It's been 10 days since King Bubbles went off to Tibet and what a long time that is...considering the second day of his leaving saw me bit by one of my precious doggies. I was more than a little apprehensive of my lord and master leaving me for 3 weeks. Usually i am as calm as early morning's sea but i had a premonition that all was not going to go according to plan at bubble-dom after he goes.
And I was right...there are times when i like being right and there are times when i hate it...THIS TIME IT WAS HATE. It didn't help matters that my rag was on the way and my hormones were bouncing off my skin. So it went like this...
First day
All went ok. Doggies were fairly good on their walkies and didn't kill me along the way. NO WE DID NOT MEET ANY STRAYS - so that was a good start to a 3 seek jail term. Dun get me wrong - I lurve walking my loyal subjects, it's stressful because I worry about meeting other not so loyal canines and that can be very detrimental to my health. The worry alone makes me break out in unstoppable sweat and i'm usually drenched by the time we get back to bubble-dom.
Second day
Seeing as the first day went ok for walkies. I foolishly tot it would be ok today as well. Unfortunately, my loyal subjects decided to squabble over something in the carpark with turned into full fledged war within 30 seconds. In every other kingdom if royalty decreed something it would be set in stone. Not so in my kingdom. Essentially all hell broke loose. Two of my doggies going for the other's jagular and me stunned beyond belief that they defied me and in such a violent manner. I proceeded (very unceremoniuosly) to carry Magz by his harness to the nearest tree and tie him there to keep him safe. Then i waded back into the war of the pooches. Here i was waving the white flag (remind me that dogs are colour blind!!) and got bit in thanks by Sir Poppet! Now bleeding through a deep puncture wound in the hand and still trying to get both subjects under control. Seemed like forever but evenutally they calmed down enough for me to take control again. They still wanted to battle all the way back to my palace. So I blew my royal top - at them, at the King (who was terribly sorry but could not return to "sayang" me). Then the pain set in and i only saw red for the rest of this day.
Saving grace for the day was when my King's sage came round to get Magz for a day of entertainment. Two reasons: I did not have to worry about my little one and he was nice to me! :P
Third day
The boys were still at it. the usual growling, stalking. But this time - Sir Wolfie is no longer so amiable as before. Now he is also pissed off with Sir Poppet that he growls unders his breath everytime Sir Poppet walks past. Palace politics can be so violent. :(
Fourth - Eight day
Hurray! Queen Mother is around. my boys are behaving MOSTLY. I get home cooked food and mummy dearest helps by walking Magz so that i have control over my two knights.
during this period, the plumber meant to better the state of the royal toilets - broke them. Enraging me to heights comparable to the the mountain my King is climbing. Ultimately sorted by banishing him from my kingdom. The royal gardens have been pruned. The royal kitchen broke down and will need fixing by middle of next week. The royal home alarm is also to be sorted by next weekend. The royal gate is still cranky and will need sorting out sometime soon (though it has to be said that it is not as cranky as when His Royal Highness was around - maybe he's taken most of the crankiness with him to Tibet .... wonder how the Dalai Lama looks like when he's cranky?!)
With Queen Mother I have explored my Village markets - very wet and dirty but the yields under her magic wok are fantastic.
Ninth - Tenth Day (To date)
Queen Mother has to returned to her own Kingdom as it needs a firm hand to govern the strategies that run it. Woe be me - alone again! My agenda for visiting international courtiers (2 GFs) were postponed as their carriage left without them. Walkies to date have been fine! A bit tiring as Sir wolfie has a tendency to stampede the entire time. I have decreed that all knights have to have a shower at least once a week. This week - like all other weeks - saw me Queen Bubbles getting down, wet and dirty with the boys. At least i can rub my nose into their furry necks and breathe in fresh scents of tea tree (for about half a day)
My strategy for combatting this irrational fear of walking all three doggies at the same time is this - It only takes 15 - 20 minutes of each morning and evening and if i time it right, I will never bump into a stray. hooray!! Now let's hope i can keep this optimism up for another 11 days!!
~Queen Bubbles~
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