Thursday, 23 August 2007

High Cholesterol

What a pain in the bottom this diagnosis is! I mean it literally. I first got the diagnosis that my cholesterol is extremely high a couple of weeks ago and I have been advised that I should make consistent and concentrated effort to watch my diet and/or exercise more to reduce the chances of me dying in the near future from anything like a heart attack to a stroke.

The King's cholesterol is also high but not as high as mine. My nice doc explained that this is mostly hereditary and watching my diet will help but not in the long run - ultimately i will probably go on pills to control this cholesterol thingy.

Upon the diagnosis of my certain death (maybe in the near future...but then again maybe NOT) I began to check on what i could and could not eat. And as i suspected...i would be better off mowing the lawn of my garden for every meal. I mean - all the foods they stated as being good for my health do not appeal to me. Someone said to me - all good tasting food in Asia is a sin in cholestrol and i agree. It' gonna be a tough fight - what with me born and bred in Asia with Asian food i think it's a definite TOK on the diet side.

So i got to thinking about my own mortality - knowing that i may drop dead within the next ten years was sombering. I wondered to what age would be a good age to die? 50s? 60s? 70s? 80s?
If you had asked me this question 5 years ago - i would've said 60s. But then i was young and brash and felt totally invincible (living life to the max - according to my standards) and so would die with no regrets. Also i thought if one died earlier, you would have never been presented with an opportunity to decline offers of different experiences had you live longer - adds to the dying without regret as IGNORANCE IS BLISS!

Now...I would probably say 70s would be a good time to then you would be sicken by what the world has become, how the younger generation have changed to keep up (not necessarily for the better) and how you probably will not be able to do most simple bodily functions with some aid. So yeah...I think 70s....

5 years down the road i may want my mortality extended - who bloody knows? I can't predict nor demand my longevity. But i can certainly command my future and everything in between.
So back to the issue on food. I figured - if you need to eat well you usually have to pay quite a fair amount for good healthy food which of course will aid in lowering my cholesterol and ultimately enabling me to live a longer but not necessarily happier (no more tasty food!!) and definitely poorer (spent all my money on "good" food!!) whilst the people that do not concern themselves with cholesterols levels etc will eat yummy food and a great time, save lots of money to go on holidays and die young but happy?! Twisted isn't it? The solution from Queen Mother - everything in moderation!! Balance!!

So in an effort to balance my diet without any drastic changes to food choices (only drastic in food consumption frequency - cannot eat my nasi lemak as often as i want:() I have been incorporating more greenies in my diet. This increases the amount of roughage going into my sytem (one way) which will generally lead to more frequent visits to the little girls' room for big business aka doing the A-bomb aka baking a mud cake aka growing a tail. But whatever pet name you have for this process there is only one for sure on my mind that that this is LITERALLY A PAIN in my BOTTOM!!
~Queen Bubbles~

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gimme sexy...oh yeah!