So after all would think...this season is awfully must have finished with the last violent episode. Well...think again....
Every morning we go for walkies with the doggies. we usually look left and right before we open our gate to begin our walkies. This is because our neighbours have a habit of letting their dogs roam freely which causes quite a fair bit of problems for responsible doggie walkers like ourselves (always on a lead)
A couple of days ago, we went about our usual routine and began our walkies with our excited pooches. Over the last couple of days we have noticed a couple of bitches roaming our estates. And these bitches usually are in the company of our free roaming neighbour's dogs (which are all make btw) So on this very bright and cheerful morning as we made our way out - we spotted this bitch with our neighbour's brute in tow coming up our way. So i asked hubby to come back into the safety of our front porch to let the pair past before we moved out...
he i opened the auto gate and ushered PSP (Partially Sighted Poppet) and STM (Severely Traumatized Mags) back into our property. Hubby made his way slowly back into the compound. Stopping at the gate so that i he blocked the entrance with Wolfie out front.
If you have ever had a dog and seen how it behaves when there is a stranger at your door...multiply that by 10 tens to get the same effect when it's another dog and then multiply that reaction by ohhh...let's just say 10 times more when there's a bitch involved....
So i called to hubby..."i do not want to be feeding my dogs antibiotics for life...please move Wolfie inside so that i can close the gate to avoid any trouble..."
He moves in but by this time...Wolfie is in a frenzy (please do the maths above to have an idea of what kind of a frenzy he is in) they move in.....i move forward to block the opening of the gate as it closes...and suddenly i feel shock...then pain...then ANGER!
My dog had just taken a chunk out of my leg. Hubby was caught off guard and stood there surprised for a couple of minutes before reacting by slapping wolfie...who by this time had realised what he had done and was cowering at hubby's feet.
Man...did it with alll dog bites. Needless to say, if i was half asleep when i started the walk i wasn't anymore....I saw stars...little silver things around my peripheral vision...twinkling in time to the throb of the bite....great...i thought...and we had a busy couple of weeks ahead at work as well...just what i needed.
Not pointing fingers at whose fault it is...partially my neighbours for having their dogs run loose and freely, partially hubby's for not bringing the dog in when he could (before the frenzy started), partly my fault for moving infront of a frenzied dog....well....i hope violent hay fever season is over....I have had enough for 2008....
Give me a peaceful 2009....Nice doggies....nice doggies......
Monday, 1 December 2008
size makes no difference
Size makes no my last post, you read about how Magster was attacked at the doggie event and that he was covered in blood but had no wounds to show for it...well this is where i get my title from.
My shih-tzu, Magster small as he is (a little ruffian to boot) managed somehow to bite the big dog in the throat whilst he was incarcerated in the jaws of hell. He also managed to chew the finger of the attacking dog's owner and two of my fingers that were wokring against the jaws of hell.
All the blood came from everyone else but him. So in my last post you also read that Magster has become more wary of the bigger dogs. he doesn't seem afraid of the attacking dog (we still see them around when we walk in the evenings and the mornings) and he barks at them and strains at the lead. Size is a state of mind - my friends...please learn a thing or two from my doggies. Maybe i should have named Mags....David. the only problem is David probably did not survive the next Goliath.
anyway...remember violent hay fever season? So it's not the end of this dreadful season...we're only half way through. So one night, we were all sat on the floor after a hard day's at the office with hubby and the doggies keeping strangers at bay. I was feeding them snacks. And Magster has this habit of hoarding his snacks infront of him between his paws. He keeps them for after the big doggies have gulped theirs down only to eat his leisurely giving them smirk expressions as he enjoys his snack stash.
This partially sighted dog decided that he would try for some of Magster's stash. As i have mentioned. Magster is very wary of big dogs and does not take kindly to one encroaching his personal space and snack stash. the first time Poppet try to have a go at the stacked stash he was growled away by Magster with complete eye balling effect.
the second time Poppet tried, Magster lost it and began a full attack. so Poppet retaliated and since it was not really a fair fight ( i know, i know what i said in my earlier posts but look at the size difference...) so i interfered. Not before Wolfie jumped into the scrimage and all hell literally broke loose coz their dad came tumbling into the fray as well...and somewhere in between - Wolfie got his ear torn up pretty badly. Magster had a near eye popping incident and Poppet escaped with the stash and without a blemish...
needless to say - it was off to the vet's again the next day for a full course of antibiotics...It has been 10 days since this occurred and i'm glad to report that Wolfie is doing fine....
Wait for it....the finale to Violent hay fever....coming up next
My shih-tzu, Magster small as he is (a little ruffian to boot) managed somehow to bite the big dog in the throat whilst he was incarcerated in the jaws of hell. He also managed to chew the finger of the attacking dog's owner and two of my fingers that were wokring against the jaws of hell.
All the blood came from everyone else but him. So in my last post you also read that Magster has become more wary of the bigger dogs. he doesn't seem afraid of the attacking dog (we still see them around when we walk in the evenings and the mornings) and he barks at them and strains at the lead. Size is a state of mind - my friends...please learn a thing or two from my doggies. Maybe i should have named Mags....David. the only problem is David probably did not survive the next Goliath.
anyway...remember violent hay fever season? So it's not the end of this dreadful season...we're only half way through. So one night, we were all sat on the floor after a hard day's at the office with hubby and the doggies keeping strangers at bay. I was feeding them snacks. And Magster has this habit of hoarding his snacks infront of him between his paws. He keeps them for after the big doggies have gulped theirs down only to eat his leisurely giving them smirk expressions as he enjoys his snack stash.
This partially sighted dog decided that he would try for some of Magster's stash. As i have mentioned. Magster is very wary of big dogs and does not take kindly to one encroaching his personal space and snack stash. the first time Poppet try to have a go at the stacked stash he was growled away by Magster with complete eye balling effect.
the second time Poppet tried, Magster lost it and began a full attack. so Poppet retaliated and since it was not really a fair fight ( i know, i know what i said in my earlier posts but look at the size difference...) so i interfered. Not before Wolfie jumped into the scrimage and all hell literally broke loose coz their dad came tumbling into the fray as well...and somewhere in between - Wolfie got his ear torn up pretty badly. Magster had a near eye popping incident and Poppet escaped with the stash and without a blemish...
needless to say - it was off to the vet's again the next day for a full course of antibiotics...It has been 10 days since this occurred and i'm glad to report that Wolfie is doing fine....
Wait for it....the finale to Violent hay fever....coming up next
Violence like hay Fever
Well...what can i say...bubble-dom is undergoing violent hay fever season. So you read about the Wolfie-Poppet incident. And i thought is was all over...being the end of the year...there can't be anything more violence related to doggies incidents happening to me...
Boy was i wrong. See remember in my earlier post there was this nice neighbour that helped me out with the Poppet incident by driving me to the vet hospital. Well she managed to organize a read it right...a DOG-A-THON. I helped her out a bit with the logistics of it...not a lot but i promised to support her cause - "SAVE A STRAY" but bringing along my doggies to participate in this very public event. It was to be held in Merdeka Square (imagine...MERDEKA SQUARE with Doggies everywhere)
Essentially it was a charity event for the handicap in Malaysia and she was given the opportunity to make public her cause. this was meant to happen a week after the eye popping incident. I even tried to make Poppet an eye patch - we did try one one and he looked so dashing - like errol flynn only better and furrier!
So anyway...on the day of this event, both hubby and myself packed up with tidbits for the doggies, water bowls, water, leads, towels for my drooling wolfie(only in the car - i think he gets a bit car sick) packed all five of us in the car and drove to the designated venue for this unprecedented event.
upon arrival we noticed that there was a big crowd of people between where we were and the registration booths for the doggies wanting to participate in the Dog-a-thon. Sensibly, hubby decided to wait kerb side away from the crowds (did not want any biting incidents to happen as dogs can get very frightened of large crowds and may lash out) whilst i brought my baby Mags with me to do the necessary.
I noticed my neighbour was there with his dog and went over to wave a hello. But i did mentioned to him that since our dogs did not get along that we should keep away from each other during the walk. he agreed. i proceeded to register at the table and left mags (on a lead) but under the table. Suddenly i felt the lead snatched... i looked under the table and My neighbour's dog had Mags in his jaws and was walking away with him as if he was a light snack.
I immediately fought to get my doggy back...and trust was tough. the dog that attacked mine (mine is a shih-tzu) was a mongrel about 6 times the size of my Magster. He refused to yield my dog to me even though i had my fingers in his mouth and was tugging with all my might. All the time i refused to let my Magster go and kept a firm pulling motion on the big dog's jaw. Someone came over to hit the attacking dog on the head and his owner just kept telling his dog to let my dog go ( i can tell you it didn't help) and eventually someone poured water over the whole scrimage. I guess some water must have gotten into the big dog's nose and he loosened his grip enough for me to pull my dog out of his mouth. Throughout all of Magster was literally screaming in pain...whilst the terrified crowd watched on, afraid or unable to approach.
when Magster was free, i noticed his doggie T-shirt was covered in blood. I was terribly upset and left immediately to bring my baby to a vet. I did not dare to remove his t-shirt as i was afraid of what i would find. As i walked away from the scene of the attack and approached hubby - he could see i was upset and i told him about the attack and asked him frantically to bring us to a we took off....
whilst walking to the car i pulled up the courage to take off Magster's T-shirt. I was totally in tears...wondering how bad the injury was going to be...when i found nothing but abrasions. nothing that could have bled as much as his t-shirt told me he would have bled. We went to the car anyway and as we drove home, alll Magster could do was sit quietly in a daze. Unable to believe that he had been attacked and with such viciousness.
We went home, monitored the poor baby and clean him up (he was covered with saliva from the big dog). I think my other doggies know that lil Magster was attacked and i honestly think that doggies have primal urges to finish off unfinished business - so they sort of irritated him by pushing him around. Mags of course was in no mood for rough play with big he went into hiding. now he is recovered (physical wounds) and to this day, he is more cautious and defensive when around the big boys...which is the story of my next post..... stay tuned....
Boy was i wrong. See remember in my earlier post there was this nice neighbour that helped me out with the Poppet incident by driving me to the vet hospital. Well she managed to organize a read it right...a DOG-A-THON. I helped her out a bit with the logistics of it...not a lot but i promised to support her cause - "SAVE A STRAY" but bringing along my doggies to participate in this very public event. It was to be held in Merdeka Square (imagine...MERDEKA SQUARE with Doggies everywhere)
Essentially it was a charity event for the handicap in Malaysia and she was given the opportunity to make public her cause. this was meant to happen a week after the eye popping incident. I even tried to make Poppet an eye patch - we did try one one and he looked so dashing - like errol flynn only better and furrier!
So anyway...on the day of this event, both hubby and myself packed up with tidbits for the doggies, water bowls, water, leads, towels for my drooling wolfie(only in the car - i think he gets a bit car sick) packed all five of us in the car and drove to the designated venue for this unprecedented event.
upon arrival we noticed that there was a big crowd of people between where we were and the registration booths for the doggies wanting to participate in the Dog-a-thon. Sensibly, hubby decided to wait kerb side away from the crowds (did not want any biting incidents to happen as dogs can get very frightened of large crowds and may lash out) whilst i brought my baby Mags with me to do the necessary.
I noticed my neighbour was there with his dog and went over to wave a hello. But i did mentioned to him that since our dogs did not get along that we should keep away from each other during the walk. he agreed. i proceeded to register at the table and left mags (on a lead) but under the table. Suddenly i felt the lead snatched... i looked under the table and My neighbour's dog had Mags in his jaws and was walking away with him as if he was a light snack.
I immediately fought to get my doggy back...and trust was tough. the dog that attacked mine (mine is a shih-tzu) was a mongrel about 6 times the size of my Magster. He refused to yield my dog to me even though i had my fingers in his mouth and was tugging with all my might. All the time i refused to let my Magster go and kept a firm pulling motion on the big dog's jaw. Someone came over to hit the attacking dog on the head and his owner just kept telling his dog to let my dog go ( i can tell you it didn't help) and eventually someone poured water over the whole scrimage. I guess some water must have gotten into the big dog's nose and he loosened his grip enough for me to pull my dog out of his mouth. Throughout all of Magster was literally screaming in pain...whilst the terrified crowd watched on, afraid or unable to approach.
when Magster was free, i noticed his doggie T-shirt was covered in blood. I was terribly upset and left immediately to bring my baby to a vet. I did not dare to remove his t-shirt as i was afraid of what i would find. As i walked away from the scene of the attack and approached hubby - he could see i was upset and i told him about the attack and asked him frantically to bring us to a we took off....
whilst walking to the car i pulled up the courage to take off Magster's T-shirt. I was totally in tears...wondering how bad the injury was going to be...when i found nothing but abrasions. nothing that could have bled as much as his t-shirt told me he would have bled. We went to the car anyway and as we drove home, alll Magster could do was sit quietly in a daze. Unable to believe that he had been attacked and with such viciousness.
We went home, monitored the poor baby and clean him up (he was covered with saliva from the big dog). I think my other doggies know that lil Magster was attacked and i honestly think that doggies have primal urges to finish off unfinished business - so they sort of irritated him by pushing him around. Mags of course was in no mood for rough play with big he went into hiding. now he is recovered (physical wounds) and to this day, he is more cautious and defensive when around the big boys...which is the story of my next post..... stay tuned....
Partially sighted is PC
So we continue the speed fashion. We have decided to split both doggies. One in each corner of the front porch. The King wanted to chain only Wolfie up but i argued that it's not fair that only one gets chained up for this. The thing is, i believe dog fights are like bar brawls...someone had to start it and maybe somebody else has to finish it. All parties in a bar brawl are guilty. My sympathy to the brawler that lost an eye but he should know better than to start a fight that he cannot finish in victory. I don't know what Sun Tzu says about it in his art of war books but in my book that has yet to be published (if ever) entitled the alternative to Sun Tzu - the art of life will state that you gotta pick your fights...more of this in another post. So the decision is both will be punished.
To split the doggies successfully, we have decided to build two doggie houses - one for each of them. Both houses will be in full sight of the other and both doggies will be "linked" to their houses by sturdy chains that allow them space to themselves and reach of one bike tyre each (they like peeing on hubby's motorcycle). Poppet will have the front tyre and Wolfie the back.
I have designed the doggie houses and have asked a carpenter to quote me. In the interim, Wolfie remains chained whilst partially sighted Poppet gets to roam during the day. Eventually, we will build a stairway down to the garden, have the garden fence mended and the area landscaped and one of the doggies will be placed there with access to bark at passing traffic and weird strangers that come round.
At night, Poppet gets to sleep in peace by himself on the front porch and Wolfie sleeps with us in the bedroom. He is my furry alarm clock. Always whining away at 0700 hours... I'm never late for work these days....
Partially sighted is now the "in-term" used by hubby to describe my one eyed pooch. He's not terribly traumatised and seems happy with the current sleeping arrangement. I have never seen my one eyed poppet...opps...partially sighted baby so happy in the mornings. He gets a bit nervous when we leave for work...but that's all i can do for him right now...He just has to be a big boy about it...
If you didn't want to hang around a pissed off half breed siberian husky then you should not have picked the fight...Live and Poppet's case - NEVER! I pray that my Poppet learns to be more PC around Wolfie just like i'm learning to use the phrase "Partially sighted"
To split the doggies successfully, we have decided to build two doggie houses - one for each of them. Both houses will be in full sight of the other and both doggies will be "linked" to their houses by sturdy chains that allow them space to themselves and reach of one bike tyre each (they like peeing on hubby's motorcycle). Poppet will have the front tyre and Wolfie the back.
I have designed the doggie houses and have asked a carpenter to quote me. In the interim, Wolfie remains chained whilst partially sighted Poppet gets to roam during the day. Eventually, we will build a stairway down to the garden, have the garden fence mended and the area landscaped and one of the doggies will be placed there with access to bark at passing traffic and weird strangers that come round.
At night, Poppet gets to sleep in peace by himself on the front porch and Wolfie sleeps with us in the bedroom. He is my furry alarm clock. Always whining away at 0700 hours... I'm never late for work these days....
Partially sighted is now the "in-term" used by hubby to describe my one eyed pooch. He's not terribly traumatised and seems happy with the current sleeping arrangement. I have never seen my one eyed poppet...opps...partially sighted baby so happy in the mornings. He gets a bit nervous when we leave for work...but that's all i can do for him right now...He just has to be a big boy about it...
If you didn't want to hang around a pissed off half breed siberian husky then you should not have picked the fight...Live and Poppet's case - NEVER! I pray that my Poppet learns to be more PC around Wolfie just like i'm learning to use the phrase "Partially sighted"
Friday, 7 November 2008
My One eyed Poppet
It was the morning of Deepavali when my dog lost his left eye in a fight. I was alseep in bed when i was woken uo by sounds of things breaking upstairs. I had had a bad and hard week and was cathcing up with sleep when all this happened.
I left Magster in bed and went to i got closer to the sounds - it became clear that my knights were at it again...trying to kill each other. From experience i knew that i should not open my front door coz then they would bring the fight into the house...and I DID NOT WANT BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!
So i crept out the back door to see how bad it was. Usually they would tire out and just bleed through all their cuts and gashes sitting where they were too tired to continue. I considered going back inside to let them tire out...before breaking it up as it could be really bad news for me...
I walked towards my garden hose...still unsure (BTW their daddy isn't around that morning...he had taken the car to go hiking) of what to do...then i just grabbed the hose and made my way back into the fight...As i approached the twisting dogs i realised that something was not right with was his had popped out of his eye socket.
I panicked...ran into the fight...pulled at wolfie, screaming for him to let go of Poppet...turned the hose on full blast...AND HE STILL WOULD NOT LET GO.
I cried out in anguish...knowing deep down that the damage was too severe and that my Poppet, my first dog, my darling love bug would be blind in one eye...(my crying and screaming attracted the neighbours but not a lot that they could do...)
Eventually Wolfie let go and Poppet skittered away to the corner of the Porch...I stood between them - both bloody, both tired and both hurt. I opened the back door and ordered Poppet inside whilst keeping an eye on Wolfie to make sure that he did not move in for the kill.
I followed my Poppet into the kitchen where he sat one eye dazed and the other protruding out...i checked for dilation of his iris and there was none...I never understood what anguish meant till that day...I never want to feel it again.
I scrambled for the phone and tried to contact their daddy so that he could come back with the car to bring Poppet to the hospital. I called and called and answer...desperation....lots of it...frustration...lots of it...and then anger! I was angry that he decided to go hiking (part of his reason is for business as one of the participants of the hike was a malay cfemale client) . I was angry that his business was more important than us...pissed off but still frantic...
my mind searched for people who could help me in the shortest time possible (it's funny sometimes how clear the mind can become) and then it occured to me that my neighbour who does animal rescues will be able to help...she had a car so i called her.
She responded in doubletime (thank god for good people like her) and took me to the nearest animal hospital (and the best...she knows them all) but it was closed or not open yet. She then tried calling another hospital to try to get the surgeon to be ready when we arrived...and we suffered a lot of angst with the way the emergency service numbers were handled...all the while she was comforting me that we might still be able to save Poppet's eye.
I had Magster with me...somewhere in between the chaos i had gone down to get dressed and retrieve my baby Mags. I took him along coz i did not know if Wolfie would go bananas on him since Poppet is not around.
Eventually we arrived at the hospital - their Daddy had eventually called back and was given the terrible news and was making his way back into KL. I went in to see the surgeon with Poppet whose protruding eye ball had now been flooded with blood. If there was a way to save his eye half an hour was gone now. The vet advised that the eye cannot be saved and must be taken out completely. That was when i broke poppet with his beautiful brown eyes hurt so terribly. I consented and left to wait outside while the procedure was being performed.
Daddy eventually found the hospital and was all angry. So was I. But we weren't angry with each other - we were angry with the situation. My neighbour had since returned home to deal with her own domestic doggie squabbles.
Finally, the vet announces that the surgery is over and was a success. We go up to see him in recovery room and he is still groggy from the drugs but he recognises us...his left eye is swollen and stitched shut. Because of the swelling you would still think he had his eye. But the vet assures us that it is no longer there. all his other wounds and gashes have been stitched up neatly - i could not help but admire the tidy work of this doctor compared to other vets that i've seen.
So we took the boy home and put his bed in the living room to rest with a bowl of water at the side. We had a lot of decisions to make and they were tough ones...i was not looking forward to them or to being Wolfie....
I left Magster in bed and went to i got closer to the sounds - it became clear that my knights were at it again...trying to kill each other. From experience i knew that i should not open my front door coz then they would bring the fight into the house...and I DID NOT WANT BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!
So i crept out the back door to see how bad it was. Usually they would tire out and just bleed through all their cuts and gashes sitting where they were too tired to continue. I considered going back inside to let them tire out...before breaking it up as it could be really bad news for me...
I walked towards my garden hose...still unsure (BTW their daddy isn't around that morning...he had taken the car to go hiking) of what to do...then i just grabbed the hose and made my way back into the fight...As i approached the twisting dogs i realised that something was not right with was his had popped out of his eye socket.
I panicked...ran into the fight...pulled at wolfie, screaming for him to let go of Poppet...turned the hose on full blast...AND HE STILL WOULD NOT LET GO.
I cried out in anguish...knowing deep down that the damage was too severe and that my Poppet, my first dog, my darling love bug would be blind in one eye...(my crying and screaming attracted the neighbours but not a lot that they could do...)
Eventually Wolfie let go and Poppet skittered away to the corner of the Porch...I stood between them - both bloody, both tired and both hurt. I opened the back door and ordered Poppet inside whilst keeping an eye on Wolfie to make sure that he did not move in for the kill.
I followed my Poppet into the kitchen where he sat one eye dazed and the other protruding out...i checked for dilation of his iris and there was none...I never understood what anguish meant till that day...I never want to feel it again.
I scrambled for the phone and tried to contact their daddy so that he could come back with the car to bring Poppet to the hospital. I called and called and answer...desperation....lots of it...frustration...lots of it...and then anger! I was angry that he decided to go hiking (part of his reason is for business as one of the participants of the hike was a malay cfemale client) . I was angry that his business was more important than us...pissed off but still frantic...
my mind searched for people who could help me in the shortest time possible (it's funny sometimes how clear the mind can become) and then it occured to me that my neighbour who does animal rescues will be able to help...she had a car so i called her.
She responded in doubletime (thank god for good people like her) and took me to the nearest animal hospital (and the best...she knows them all) but it was closed or not open yet. She then tried calling another hospital to try to get the surgeon to be ready when we arrived...and we suffered a lot of angst with the way the emergency service numbers were handled...all the while she was comforting me that we might still be able to save Poppet's eye.
I had Magster with me...somewhere in between the chaos i had gone down to get dressed and retrieve my baby Mags. I took him along coz i did not know if Wolfie would go bananas on him since Poppet is not around.
Eventually we arrived at the hospital - their Daddy had eventually called back and was given the terrible news and was making his way back into KL. I went in to see the surgeon with Poppet whose protruding eye ball had now been flooded with blood. If there was a way to save his eye half an hour was gone now. The vet advised that the eye cannot be saved and must be taken out completely. That was when i broke poppet with his beautiful brown eyes hurt so terribly. I consented and left to wait outside while the procedure was being performed.
Daddy eventually found the hospital and was all angry. So was I. But we weren't angry with each other - we were angry with the situation. My neighbour had since returned home to deal with her own domestic doggie squabbles.
Finally, the vet announces that the surgery is over and was a success. We go up to see him in recovery room and he is still groggy from the drugs but he recognises us...his left eye is swollen and stitched shut. Because of the swelling you would still think he had his eye. But the vet assures us that it is no longer there. all his other wounds and gashes have been stitched up neatly - i could not help but admire the tidy work of this doctor compared to other vets that i've seen.
So we took the boy home and put his bed in the living room to rest with a bowl of water at the side. We had a lot of decisions to make and they were tough ones...i was not looking forward to them or to being Wolfie....
Friday, 24 October 2008
Ugly Betty Addiction
New addition to my list of addictions...Pity that it's only up to Season Two. Ugly Betty is so farnee! I'm sort of glad that i'm at the last disc of Season 2...I can finally get some sleep! It's great company when the King is out hunting for out next meal...but i think the withdrawal symptoms from the series is gonna be really bad...I'm not looking forward to tomorrow when there is no more Ugly Betty for me to watch.
The addiction is so bad that my knight Mags has to urged me to go to sleep....He also has the very difficult job of waking me "Zombie addicted to Ugly Betty" up in the morning...This morning - he gave up...after repeated lickings and walking all over me. Tomorrow night and the following morning all should be back to normal - fingers crossed.
I plan to go look for another series to get addicted to...hmmm..the letter L? Lipstick Jungle? Will keep you updated...
The addiction is so bad that my knight Mags has to urged me to go to sleep....He also has the very difficult job of waking me "Zombie addicted to Ugly Betty" up in the morning...This morning - he gave up...after repeated lickings and walking all over me. Tomorrow night and the following morning all should be back to normal - fingers crossed.
I plan to go look for another series to get addicted to...hmmm..the letter L? Lipstick Jungle? Will keep you updated...
Monday, 20 October 2008
Morons of the World Unite
Have you heard Britney's Spear's latest song out? It's called womanzier or something like that ( i know...i know... thrashy title and trashier sound) but it did something really amazing - it united the Morons of the World.
It was early this morning when i was driving to work together with my King and we were caught in the usual carriage crawl to reach the royal court. As per our routine, we would be tuned in to the radio listening the whatever the morning news (Madonna divorcing Guy Ritchie is news - can you believe the world we live in?!?!) and reports of morning traffic carnage. Somewhere in between we actually get a couple of tunes. The DJs are fairly entertaining and sometimes have information that cracks us up. This morning we received shocking news that Britney Spears upon her come back and release of song Womanizer entered the Pop Charts at 96 position and in ONE DAY went up to NO. 1 or something frivolous like that. That isn't the most shocking part. The most shocking part is the song completely sucks! the only lyric the song has is "Womanizer"...That's right...all Britney Spears has done is repeat the word over and over again.
MORONS of the world stand united in their bid to place properly displaced white trash Britney Spears back on her trashy pop throne where she can sit with her legs open knickerless!
When we heard the "news" we both instanteously turned to each other with horror etched in our face...I mean the King could hardly close his trap from the shock he suffered. God Save us from the Morons of the World and their white trash queen - Britney Spears! I will pray for all you misguided souls that went out and bought her CD and danced to that horrible tune.
It was early this morning when i was driving to work together with my King and we were caught in the usual carriage crawl to reach the royal court. As per our routine, we would be tuned in to the radio listening the whatever the morning news (Madonna divorcing Guy Ritchie is news - can you believe the world we live in?!?!) and reports of morning traffic carnage. Somewhere in between we actually get a couple of tunes. The DJs are fairly entertaining and sometimes have information that cracks us up. This morning we received shocking news that Britney Spears upon her come back and release of song Womanizer entered the Pop Charts at 96 position and in ONE DAY went up to NO. 1 or something frivolous like that. That isn't the most shocking part. The most shocking part is the song completely sucks! the only lyric the song has is "Womanizer"...That's right...all Britney Spears has done is repeat the word over and over again.
MORONS of the world stand united in their bid to place properly displaced white trash Britney Spears back on her trashy pop throne where she can sit with her legs open knickerless!
When we heard the "news" we both instanteously turned to each other with horror etched in our face...I mean the King could hardly close his trap from the shock he suffered. God Save us from the Morons of the World and their white trash queen - Britney Spears! I will pray for all you misguided souls that went out and bought her CD and danced to that horrible tune.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Death of an Innocent - by an innocent
On one of the endlessly long days that make up my life of leaving an office full of unfinished work to returning to a home that is filled with more unfinished work, i witnessed the death of an innocent. It all started one evening whilst we were chilling out in the palace's main hall. I heard a distinct cry coming from the trees on my hillside. It was what i identified as a typical baby's cry for its mommy. It wasn't human but i could not see what was crying in the dark shrouds of the tree's branches. So i got out the maglite (extremely bright torch) and lit up the source of the crying and saw a baby musang (civet cat) mewing piteously. There was nothing i could do for it except let it cry on and it did all through the night.
The next day went as drudge then home. Just like every other day when i arrive home, i will be greeted by excited yapping from the knights, jumping, pawing and generally making me colourful as the ram into me giving me bruises all over - i have to say my language is usually as colourful as the rest of my body after the usual meet and greet.Today was no different. I was met with the usual enthusiasm from the dogs and my tired tots of laundry, dish washing etc. So i quietly padded downstairs to go to my laundry area, followed closely but Sir Wolfie and Sir Mags and they dutifully followed me out to do my chores out back. The knights bored with watching me work (they are really very good at this task) started playing in the garden. Occassionally i would scream for them just so that they would come bounding round the corner all smiles to reassure me that they haven't fallen down the hillside.
This day, before i could do my usually well timed scream for reassurance, i heard frantic barking from somewhere around my study. Wondering what triggered off this persistent barking i went to investigate. I found both Mags and Wolfie at the little patio near my study where all my orchid plants are. Wolfie was barking at something in the my eyes searched around my potted orchids it finally settled on a baby musang terrified beyond belief at the loudly yelping brute, huddled in the corner with no escape.
I told Wolfie in stern tones to stay before heading back in to get a towel to catch the musang. The idea was to release it nearer the tree i saw it in the night before so that it could escape to the safety of the branches. I returned with a towel but as i approached it hissed at me which set off a whole string of barking from both Mags and Wolfie. I figured i still would need my fingers to work with tomorrow so i went round to the back to get a box to trap the terrified baby.
As i came back to the scene of excitement, i heard a scuffle. i returned to find the musang and my knights gone. So i ran round to the far side of the garden only to see Wolfie with the musang in his mouth in a death grip shaking it violently. I screamed for him to drop it and dropped it he did. As i approached i could see that it did not survive the thrashing that Wolfie gave it. He thought it was a toy was my first guess (he usually shakes his toys in just the same way). My second guess is that my Wolfie is a hunter, was a hunter when i saved him from the pound and still is one.
I was very distressed with him. I love my knights as if they were my children and i would never think them capable of murder...but this incident changed it all for me. I did not know how to react. The loss of life, any life - innocent or otherwise is always sad. I cried as i lifted the carcass of this baby civet cat and placed it into a box. It was not a pretty sight. I then proceeded to dig a hole in the ground to bury the poor soul. Wolfie has not seen the garden in almost a month, partly as a punishment and partly i was afraid that he would dig up the shallow grave. I still love Wolfie but i guess I NEED TO BE MORE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIM AND HIS REACTIONS!
Just a couple of nights ago, i heard something banging against my balcony railings and wondered if there was an intruder. I went up to check and in the darkness without turning on the lights i could see nothing move. i decided to flick the balcony light switch on anyway - better to know what is trying to attack you then to be attacked whilst asleep is what i say.
What i saw was two adult musangs playing on my balcony, jumping on the railings, bouncing off the swings, running across the length of the balcony. They played for a good 10 minutes before heading up to the roof to do god knows what. I think these were the parents of the baby musang buried in my garden. I guess they came back for their child afterall except that their child is no more because of mine. My knight, for whatever reason - caused the death of an innocent, i believe innocently.
The next day went as drudge then home. Just like every other day when i arrive home, i will be greeted by excited yapping from the knights, jumping, pawing and generally making me colourful as the ram into me giving me bruises all over - i have to say my language is usually as colourful as the rest of my body after the usual meet and greet.Today was no different. I was met with the usual enthusiasm from the dogs and my tired tots of laundry, dish washing etc. So i quietly padded downstairs to go to my laundry area, followed closely but Sir Wolfie and Sir Mags and they dutifully followed me out to do my chores out back. The knights bored with watching me work (they are really very good at this task) started playing in the garden. Occassionally i would scream for them just so that they would come bounding round the corner all smiles to reassure me that they haven't fallen down the hillside.
This day, before i could do my usually well timed scream for reassurance, i heard frantic barking from somewhere around my study. Wondering what triggered off this persistent barking i went to investigate. I found both Mags and Wolfie at the little patio near my study where all my orchid plants are. Wolfie was barking at something in the my eyes searched around my potted orchids it finally settled on a baby musang terrified beyond belief at the loudly yelping brute, huddled in the corner with no escape.
I told Wolfie in stern tones to stay before heading back in to get a towel to catch the musang. The idea was to release it nearer the tree i saw it in the night before so that it could escape to the safety of the branches. I returned with a towel but as i approached it hissed at me which set off a whole string of barking from both Mags and Wolfie. I figured i still would need my fingers to work with tomorrow so i went round to the back to get a box to trap the terrified baby.
As i came back to the scene of excitement, i heard a scuffle. i returned to find the musang and my knights gone. So i ran round to the far side of the garden only to see Wolfie with the musang in his mouth in a death grip shaking it violently. I screamed for him to drop it and dropped it he did. As i approached i could see that it did not survive the thrashing that Wolfie gave it. He thought it was a toy was my first guess (he usually shakes his toys in just the same way). My second guess is that my Wolfie is a hunter, was a hunter when i saved him from the pound and still is one.
I was very distressed with him. I love my knights as if they were my children and i would never think them capable of murder...but this incident changed it all for me. I did not know how to react. The loss of life, any life - innocent or otherwise is always sad. I cried as i lifted the carcass of this baby civet cat and placed it into a box. It was not a pretty sight. I then proceeded to dig a hole in the ground to bury the poor soul. Wolfie has not seen the garden in almost a month, partly as a punishment and partly i was afraid that he would dig up the shallow grave. I still love Wolfie but i guess I NEED TO BE MORE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIM AND HIS REACTIONS!
Just a couple of nights ago, i heard something banging against my balcony railings and wondered if there was an intruder. I went up to check and in the darkness without turning on the lights i could see nothing move. i decided to flick the balcony light switch on anyway - better to know what is trying to attack you then to be attacked whilst asleep is what i say.
What i saw was two adult musangs playing on my balcony, jumping on the railings, bouncing off the swings, running across the length of the balcony. They played for a good 10 minutes before heading up to the roof to do god knows what. I think these were the parents of the baby musang buried in my garden. I guess they came back for their child afterall except that their child is no more because of mine. My knight, for whatever reason - caused the death of an innocent, i believe innocently.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Choose Freely, Choose Wisely with no regrets (almost)
Today's advice for the battle weary who want to throw in the towel the the sake of a minute's respite against the ground they have fought to win losing tooth and nail and copious amounts of bloody spraying vomitus (old chinese and malay proverb of vomiting blood means to be so damn irritated or frustrated that one pukes blood out in a dramatic fashion)
I mean this in this life we face many decisions and many choices. We have more freedom now than that of our parent's generation. We have more options, choices, pathways even religions than they had. AND what do we do with this endless variety of life? We screw it up because we think we can do it all in one life time. That's right only have a lifetime to do what you want to do to make it count in some small way or another if not for someone else than at least for yourself.
So yes, you will have to decide on things like these:
1) Single or Attached
2) Children or no children
3) Love or money
4) Work or Leisure
5) and so on and so forth
the list is endless. Some comparisons are more important in one person's life than another. And yet with all the endless access to endless opportunities, and all the freedom to choose we still have so much difficulty choosing what we want. We make a mountain out of a molehill over decisions like these.
I guess i have had enough of stupid people in the last week. These are people who have made decisions in their lives, selected choices that resulted in certain pathways being travelled and the consequence both good and bad have suddenly developed hindsight. this is an amazing gift. Pity it comes too late.
it's like they made these decision blinded...(some claim they did not have 100% of the information or was not 100% sure - these days 100% is a ficticious figure that doesn't count for much)
They ask for reassurances for the future when none can be provided. They have been kept so safe and shielded either by society or family that they can no longer deal with risk. Calculated risk is highly misunderstood in this day and age.
The generic key to anyone's happiness is the have the ability to choose freely without any external pressures. choices are made by the heart or by the mind - both elements are internal and yet many people allow external factors to influence their decision making. External factors can be situational. These external situational factors create internal influences like fear and shame. I guess i'm trying to say that we must decide what makes us happy, what constitutes a deal breaker for any decision to pass and not subvert our happiness by allowing any external influence. I believe strongly that only a happy person can make another happy. It isn't easy but it's not impossible to choose freely.
And if you cannot bring yourself to choose freely, then you can at least do yourself a favour by choosing wisely. Gut instincts are seldom wrong unless your name is Mr or Miss Unfortunate For Life. When you come to a cross road in your life and it is necessary for you to decide the pathway and this scenario is usually brought about because of some inbalance in your life that you feel perhaps some change would be necessary in order for you to be happy. You probably already know what needs to change or which is the right path. You decide that you will act on this and by doing this you have chosen freely. Then situational factors began to descend upon your senses and suddenly you are no longer as sure as you were when you first made the decision to change.
this will likely see the revoke of the initial decision (freely chosen) due to fear of non results and readiness to revert back into your comfort zone. Then you must learn to choose wisely. Choosing wisely allows for external influences in your decision making to help you justify your decision to revert. If you have chosen wisely then you have admitted that the time is not right for the change or the extent of change is too big. This will of course mean that you give up on the opportunity/possiblity of the happier life you initally envisioned for yourself. Whether you choose freely or wisely, life will still have it's up and downs. The trick is to not have regrets. One lifetime, do your best with it, choose freely, choose wisely and have no regrets...almost.
And one last thing...everything you want in life - you will need to earn! There are no shortcuts, no quick results. It's hard work despite what everything around you screams "convenience, easy and fast" in your face on a daily basis.
If you still didn't understand this me! ;)
I mean this in this life we face many decisions and many choices. We have more freedom now than that of our parent's generation. We have more options, choices, pathways even religions than they had. AND what do we do with this endless variety of life? We screw it up because we think we can do it all in one life time. That's right only have a lifetime to do what you want to do to make it count in some small way or another if not for someone else than at least for yourself.
So yes, you will have to decide on things like these:
1) Single or Attached
2) Children or no children
3) Love or money
4) Work or Leisure
5) and so on and so forth
the list is endless. Some comparisons are more important in one person's life than another. And yet with all the endless access to endless opportunities, and all the freedom to choose we still have so much difficulty choosing what we want. We make a mountain out of a molehill over decisions like these.
I guess i have had enough of stupid people in the last week. These are people who have made decisions in their lives, selected choices that resulted in certain pathways being travelled and the consequence both good and bad have suddenly developed hindsight. this is an amazing gift. Pity it comes too late.
it's like they made these decision blinded...(some claim they did not have 100% of the information or was not 100% sure - these days 100% is a ficticious figure that doesn't count for much)
They ask for reassurances for the future when none can be provided. They have been kept so safe and shielded either by society or family that they can no longer deal with risk. Calculated risk is highly misunderstood in this day and age.
The generic key to anyone's happiness is the have the ability to choose freely without any external pressures. choices are made by the heart or by the mind - both elements are internal and yet many people allow external factors to influence their decision making. External factors can be situational. These external situational factors create internal influences like fear and shame. I guess i'm trying to say that we must decide what makes us happy, what constitutes a deal breaker for any decision to pass and not subvert our happiness by allowing any external influence. I believe strongly that only a happy person can make another happy. It isn't easy but it's not impossible to choose freely.
And if you cannot bring yourself to choose freely, then you can at least do yourself a favour by choosing wisely. Gut instincts are seldom wrong unless your name is Mr or Miss Unfortunate For Life. When you come to a cross road in your life and it is necessary for you to decide the pathway and this scenario is usually brought about because of some inbalance in your life that you feel perhaps some change would be necessary in order for you to be happy. You probably already know what needs to change or which is the right path. You decide that you will act on this and by doing this you have chosen freely. Then situational factors began to descend upon your senses and suddenly you are no longer as sure as you were when you first made the decision to change.
this will likely see the revoke of the initial decision (freely chosen) due to fear of non results and readiness to revert back into your comfort zone. Then you must learn to choose wisely. Choosing wisely allows for external influences in your decision making to help you justify your decision to revert. If you have chosen wisely then you have admitted that the time is not right for the change or the extent of change is too big. This will of course mean that you give up on the opportunity/possiblity of the happier life you initally envisioned for yourself. Whether you choose freely or wisely, life will still have it's up and downs. The trick is to not have regrets. One lifetime, do your best with it, choose freely, choose wisely and have no regrets...almost.
And one last thing...everything you want in life - you will need to earn! There are no shortcuts, no quick results. It's hard work despite what everything around you screams "convenience, easy and fast" in your face on a daily basis.
If you still didn't understand this me! ;)
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Of Creaky Bones, White Hair and Contentment
It seemed like just yesterday that I was sleeping peacefully in my sarong swing crib as a babe. The years between then and now have fallen from my memory, leaving only a handful of vivid memories of my life in between. The inevitable aging process that begins from the time of our birth seems more apparent to me these days...It is most telling in my physical makeup when bits of me displays obvious obedience to gravity where previously there was definite rebellion and i make more noise just walking than actually being in conversation. These days i also sport highlights of white in my previously ebony locks...where i used to be limber i am now an aching mass of creaky bones, white hair and contentment
This is no complaint. I am actually very happy at this stage in my life despite all the trials and tribulations - they only made me stronger in mind and heart. Where i only used to have physical balance and strength, I now have balance in my intangible self - i'd like to think it's Soul Balance.
It wasn't so long ago that i was deep in discussion with my King about Happiness vs unhappiness. I was trying to articulate that the difference between these two phrases:
1) the opposite of Happiness is Unhappiness (as i understand from whatever sub standard english i have)
2) Being "Not Happy" does not equate to "Unhappiness"
Think about it for a those two lines again and see if it makes sense to you. The reason for the need to articulate the above was to argue if the middle ground (being contentment) keeps us from fulfilling or chasing after dreams that truly makes us happy. I think most people will settle for contentment - it isn't happiness nor is it unhappiness but "hey! I'm alright so why rock the boat?" When we were discussing this topic, I was essentially accused of waxing philosophical. Many asked what's the point of knowing the difference. I find that it is important to know the difference and to acknowledge where you are in your life as then and only then will you know where you want to go or what you want to do.
It takes a lot of courage to face our blindness to our own position in life and a lot of effort to focus on what makes it worthwhile when our sensors are numbed by so many modern and external distractions. It's always a good time to turn inward and ask if things need to change. It's always a good time for some soul balancing.
Many of us work for a living, have children (well i have fur kids), we are all busy with activities day in and out and for the most part we are content. Giving thanks for our healthy and happy families, our job, our friends etc. But there are days that we wonder about another kind of life (usually the kind that is beyond what we have, the kind that if we were to pursue would result in opportunity cost of the present lifestyle).
So then begs the questions: Can the word contentment be used interchangeable with the word fear? Is it the contentment that keeps us in the routine or fear or both? If it is fear, then what is it we fear?
I have an accquaintance who travels around a fair bit, never stays in one country for longer than 2 years. She is very proud of her achievements and her worldliness as i am of her. But one day she mentioned proudly that the reason she moves about so much is that she is not afraid of changes. Of course put like that most people would view it as an attribute to be proud of as most homosapiens would have been tagged as afraid of change. So i thought i'd offer her another point of view...would it be possible that she was afraid of contentment...afraid that roots would not return the desired results and that this affected her decision to move on and along every couple of years? Could it be the contentment of moving and never growing roots at any one place keep her from finding true happiness? Or is it fear? Will she have the courage to look inside?
Soul Balance is hard to achieve and maintain. Change is necessary for the pursuit of happiness. No recommendation for anything major. Little changes in attitudes, small pushes for progress in a different direction will produce some hardships along the way but the road to any kind of balance has never been flat, straight or easy. I ask for the courage to turn my eyes inside every once in a while and the strength to fight creaky bones, white hair and contentment - all in a bid for happiness.
This is no complaint. I am actually very happy at this stage in my life despite all the trials and tribulations - they only made me stronger in mind and heart. Where i only used to have physical balance and strength, I now have balance in my intangible self - i'd like to think it's Soul Balance.
It wasn't so long ago that i was deep in discussion with my King about Happiness vs unhappiness. I was trying to articulate that the difference between these two phrases:
1) the opposite of Happiness is Unhappiness (as i understand from whatever sub standard english i have)
2) Being "Not Happy" does not equate to "Unhappiness"
Think about it for a those two lines again and see if it makes sense to you. The reason for the need to articulate the above was to argue if the middle ground (being contentment) keeps us from fulfilling or chasing after dreams that truly makes us happy. I think most people will settle for contentment - it isn't happiness nor is it unhappiness but "hey! I'm alright so why rock the boat?" When we were discussing this topic, I was essentially accused of waxing philosophical. Many asked what's the point of knowing the difference. I find that it is important to know the difference and to acknowledge where you are in your life as then and only then will you know where you want to go or what you want to do.
It takes a lot of courage to face our blindness to our own position in life and a lot of effort to focus on what makes it worthwhile when our sensors are numbed by so many modern and external distractions. It's always a good time to turn inward and ask if things need to change. It's always a good time for some soul balancing.
Many of us work for a living, have children (well i have fur kids), we are all busy with activities day in and out and for the most part we are content. Giving thanks for our healthy and happy families, our job, our friends etc. But there are days that we wonder about another kind of life (usually the kind that is beyond what we have, the kind that if we were to pursue would result in opportunity cost of the present lifestyle).
So then begs the questions: Can the word contentment be used interchangeable with the word fear? Is it the contentment that keeps us in the routine or fear or both? If it is fear, then what is it we fear?
I have an accquaintance who travels around a fair bit, never stays in one country for longer than 2 years. She is very proud of her achievements and her worldliness as i am of her. But one day she mentioned proudly that the reason she moves about so much is that she is not afraid of changes. Of course put like that most people would view it as an attribute to be proud of as most homosapiens would have been tagged as afraid of change. So i thought i'd offer her another point of view...would it be possible that she was afraid of contentment...afraid that roots would not return the desired results and that this affected her decision to move on and along every couple of years? Could it be the contentment of moving and never growing roots at any one place keep her from finding true happiness? Or is it fear? Will she have the courage to look inside?
Soul Balance is hard to achieve and maintain. Change is necessary for the pursuit of happiness. No recommendation for anything major. Little changes in attitudes, small pushes for progress in a different direction will produce some hardships along the way but the road to any kind of balance has never been flat, straight or easy. I ask for the courage to turn my eyes inside every once in a while and the strength to fight creaky bones, white hair and contentment - all in a bid for happiness.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Bubble-dom going pretty in green
I have quite a large garden in my Kingdom. Since moving in years ago, i have failed to do any kind of landscaping - partly coz of the cost and partly coz of being too involved in the business of ruling the Kingdom. About a year ago, i started to take an interest in plants...I thought they made the Kingdom look warm and alive - for as long as they lived. Which wasn't very long if the Royal Gardener was yours truly.
The local nusery is now my second home...I have to pick up new plants almost every fortnight to replace the ones that have gone to green heaven. It's really not my fault...let me explain the various ways a plant can go to Green Heaven:
1) Death by Thirst (this is when the King and I forget to water them over a couple of days)
2) Death by Pee (This is when the royal knights decide to empty their little bladders on the plants to help them grow big and strong - the plants usually die from too much goodness)
3) Death by Fertilizer (The myth is fertilizer is good for the plants - they should advertise that artifical fertilizers are much much much much stronger than the au naturel ones)
4) Death by Drowning (No one told me it was possible to drown a plant)
5) Death by Attendance - of a dog fight (The knights can't help it if they hurl themselves around in their fight for alpha male domination - the plants should know better than to stay potted there)
6) Death by Bugs (Ever seen an infestation? No? Come round for a cuppa - and i will show you the royal grounds...)
There...those are the most common death patterns of the plants around the royal grounds. But now i have a new project (i can hear my king groaning at this). That is to plant a border hedge just outside my bedroom so that i can wake up to beautiful ixora (yellow ones) every morning...of course provided they survive long enough to "grow up".
So it was with this project in mind that we went to purchase the little bush packs of yellow ixora (all from the local nusery of course - the queen must support local industry - and if i do say so myself - i do a grand job at the local nusery). We got 15 in all, carted them home, brought out the hoe and made myself a nice ice lemon tea to sit in the shade whilst my king worked on getting himself a blister on his soft royal hands. Have to say...he was kinda cute....sweating buckets and constantly looking at his little blister and breathing really hard. In the end all good shows must come to an we managed to dig 7 holes. The good news is that some shows have sequels and my fun will begin once the weekend starts again - he has another eight holes to do.
If i viewed my life as a garden then i would have planted many plants (attempted many things) some lived and flourished whilst other passed on (sometimes i succeed and other times i dun), and i keep going back to the nusery for more (i try try and try again).
To date i have about 9 fir trees (the kinds that scare the ghoulies away), 15 yellow ixoras and counting, 8 Orchids, 3 Jasmines, 2 good luck plants (they are flourishing - i take it as a good sign), 1 cutting from an unknown shrub (also flourishing), 1 wild grass flower, 5 roses, 2 Elegant plants, 1 money plant (also fourishing), 2 baby ferns, 1 giant fern, 3 bonsai, and possibly 9 snake plants (fingers crossed) and finally a herb garden consisting of coriander, chili, chili padi, daun limou perut, mint plus a couple of others. I have consulted a landscaper and i am planning to have frangipani trees and more jasmines in the main part of the garden. I'm also planning to go round my estate to get bougainvilla i have to say my garden and life is looking good.
The local nusery is now my second home...I have to pick up new plants almost every fortnight to replace the ones that have gone to green heaven. It's really not my fault...let me explain the various ways a plant can go to Green Heaven:
1) Death by Thirst (this is when the King and I forget to water them over a couple of days)
2) Death by Pee (This is when the royal knights decide to empty their little bladders on the plants to help them grow big and strong - the plants usually die from too much goodness)
3) Death by Fertilizer (The myth is fertilizer is good for the plants - they should advertise that artifical fertilizers are much much much much stronger than the au naturel ones)
4) Death by Drowning (No one told me it was possible to drown a plant)
5) Death by Attendance - of a dog fight (The knights can't help it if they hurl themselves around in their fight for alpha male domination - the plants should know better than to stay potted there)
6) Death by Bugs (Ever seen an infestation? No? Come round for a cuppa - and i will show you the royal grounds...)
There...those are the most common death patterns of the plants around the royal grounds. But now i have a new project (i can hear my king groaning at this). That is to plant a border hedge just outside my bedroom so that i can wake up to beautiful ixora (yellow ones) every morning...of course provided they survive long enough to "grow up".
So it was with this project in mind that we went to purchase the little bush packs of yellow ixora (all from the local nusery of course - the queen must support local industry - and if i do say so myself - i do a grand job at the local nusery). We got 15 in all, carted them home, brought out the hoe and made myself a nice ice lemon tea to sit in the shade whilst my king worked on getting himself a blister on his soft royal hands. Have to say...he was kinda cute....sweating buckets and constantly looking at his little blister and breathing really hard. In the end all good shows must come to an we managed to dig 7 holes. The good news is that some shows have sequels and my fun will begin once the weekend starts again - he has another eight holes to do.
If i viewed my life as a garden then i would have planted many plants (attempted many things) some lived and flourished whilst other passed on (sometimes i succeed and other times i dun), and i keep going back to the nusery for more (i try try and try again).
To date i have about 9 fir trees (the kinds that scare the ghoulies away), 15 yellow ixoras and counting, 8 Orchids, 3 Jasmines, 2 good luck plants (they are flourishing - i take it as a good sign), 1 cutting from an unknown shrub (also flourishing), 1 wild grass flower, 5 roses, 2 Elegant plants, 1 money plant (also fourishing), 2 baby ferns, 1 giant fern, 3 bonsai, and possibly 9 snake plants (fingers crossed) and finally a herb garden consisting of coriander, chili, chili padi, daun limou perut, mint plus a couple of others. I have consulted a landscaper and i am planning to have frangipani trees and more jasmines in the main part of the garden. I'm also planning to go round my estate to get bougainvilla i have to say my garden and life is looking good.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
4 Elements of Self
There are 4 Elements of Self. There include the physical element, the psychological element, the emotional element and the spiritual element. In order to achieve balance, it is my belief that there needs to be a balance in all elements. this balance or imbalance can be influenced by yourself and of course external forces (we do not live in a vacuum).
My Physical Element
Ok Ok...i know that signing up for gym membership is different from actually utilising the gym facilities. I know i have weight to lose but i reason that all the stress from work is losing me pounds...i should be super model thin by now...To redeem myself just a little bit, i do walk my knights up and down the royal hillside twice a day sometimes having to fight off giant stray mongrel dogs and sometimes i ski in an effort to hold my knight back from a willing maiden bitch! So i figured...i'm ok...not a total loser...yet....Right need to sort out my schedule to go gyming soon! Just need to run past the mamak to grab nasi lemak for breakfast before gyming...
My Psychological Element
Man this area is a right mess! This beats the Pepsi Max in blackpool and i'm on it at least 50 times a day in my head. My defense? I'm a woman...we tend to over think know...will he call? does he love me? why is he so mean? Is he a jackass? When can i whoop his butt? But i think (here i go again) that overall...i'm quite sane (who am i kidding) and a well balanced person (right...where do i sign up for the mental ward?)
I know it's weird (my hubby thinks so) but i have multiple personalities - i believe all of us have multiple personalities but the only difference is that i talk to mine before they manifest. Kewl huh? Well...mabbe not!
My Emotional Element
Now this is one tangled wed of #$^% Even i can't get through it...i guess for your sake we better keep out of this area....
My Spiritual Element
Ahh...this has been lacking! For a very long time. you know the saying the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak...well...that's me and you and millions of others...But that just doesn't cut as justification for being weak though...I mean - can you imagine...upon meet St Peter at the Pearly gates and your only reason for being a flop in maintaining your spiritual element is that no one else you know does (and that's probably a lie as well...hmmmm...not going to get very far with St Peter)
I do pray though...for the people i love and care for the most...for the people i don't know but will need help...there was a time that i was really frustrated with hubby and my mother would ask me to say a prayer that went something like " Lord, give use the patience to change what we can and the wisdom to know the difference...." And it goes on and it's a lovely prayer. I have added on to the prayer to pray for kick hubby's a$$ into shape when he iritates the crap out of me....Amen!
How in touch are you with your 4 Elements of Self? ;)
My Physical Element
Ok Ok...i know that signing up for gym membership is different from actually utilising the gym facilities. I know i have weight to lose but i reason that all the stress from work is losing me pounds...i should be super model thin by now...To redeem myself just a little bit, i do walk my knights up and down the royal hillside twice a day sometimes having to fight off giant stray mongrel dogs and sometimes i ski in an effort to hold my knight back from a willing maiden bitch! So i figured...i'm ok...not a total loser...yet....Right need to sort out my schedule to go gyming soon! Just need to run past the mamak to grab nasi lemak for breakfast before gyming...
My Psychological Element
Man this area is a right mess! This beats the Pepsi Max in blackpool and i'm on it at least 50 times a day in my head. My defense? I'm a woman...we tend to over think know...will he call? does he love me? why is he so mean? Is he a jackass? When can i whoop his butt? But i think (here i go again) that overall...i'm quite sane (who am i kidding) and a well balanced person (right...where do i sign up for the mental ward?)
I know it's weird (my hubby thinks so) but i have multiple personalities - i believe all of us have multiple personalities but the only difference is that i talk to mine before they manifest. Kewl huh? Well...mabbe not!
My Emotional Element
Now this is one tangled wed of #$^% Even i can't get through it...i guess for your sake we better keep out of this area....
My Spiritual Element
Ahh...this has been lacking! For a very long time. you know the saying the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak...well...that's me and you and millions of others...But that just doesn't cut as justification for being weak though...I mean - can you imagine...upon meet St Peter at the Pearly gates and your only reason for being a flop in maintaining your spiritual element is that no one else you know does (and that's probably a lie as well...hmmmm...not going to get very far with St Peter)
I do pray though...for the people i love and care for the most...for the people i don't know but will need help...there was a time that i was really frustrated with hubby and my mother would ask me to say a prayer that went something like " Lord, give use the patience to change what we can and the wisdom to know the difference...." And it goes on and it's a lovely prayer. I have added on to the prayer to pray for kick hubby's a$$ into shape when he iritates the crap out of me....Amen!
How in touch are you with your 4 Elements of Self? ;)
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
My Popo
My earliest memories of my PoPo (my maternal grandma) is that of jet black hair, fierce looking face, horn-rimmed glasses, one hand on hip and the other wielding a rotan (cane). I cried a lot when i was young giving new definition at that time to the term cry baby. It wasn't that she'd beat me or scold me....i was just a very fretful child. These days i dun cry as much, even though i want to or feel the deepest sadness that comes with the loss of my PoPo.
My PoPo co-brought me up with my parents. We were not wealthy when i was a child. I almost always got hand me down clothes from my sister and treats came in the form of 10cents being placed in my hand sneakily by my grandpa (God bless his soul - he left us quite some years ago) to go play "Tikam" (a gambling game of chance for kids - prizes usually were toys etc) whilst my Popo would nag about wasting money. She would cook up a storm - true nyonya dishes. She would "tepok" (pet) me to sleep and whilst i slept she would fan me with a folded newspaper. She has the best collection of kebayas i ever had seen in my life and she used to love playing mahjong and "ciki"
As usual when you are a child you hardly know the adults that are bringing you up to be a responsible adult. When you are a teenager you refuse to listen to their wisdom and wise advice. When you are a young adult you are too busy building your life to pay much attention to those who spent their lives giving you yours. The dawning of the characters of the people who bring you up through this world comes slowly and sometimes to late. When i say dawning...i mean the slow growth of awareness...and that's how it is for me and probably most of you as well.
At the place that i am now - more or less stable, more or less happy, more or less fulfilled i see things differently. I can see now that when i was growing things were really tough and my parents and grandparent really had to work very hard for themselves and us - especially us. The attitudes and mentality of then and now are vastly different. Choices that were limited then built stronger characters and endurance. Unlimited choices in this day and age have made the younger generations weak. I am glad to say that i am not so far from that ole generation that i have benefited from that attitudes and mental and mettle building that was so strong during that period.
My Popo who recently passed away reached iconic status in my mind probably over the last 10 years where it dawned on me all her sacrifices, her strong will, her fight till the end mentality (that usually drove her kids mad!) her softness, her need for love throughout her life and her love and tenderness (despite appearances) for us all. Undoubtedly she has touched and taught everyone who has ever had the opportunity to meet her. through her i have learnt to see the flip side of every coin, through her, i learnt to see the silver lining in every dark cloud, through her i learnt respect, tolerance, negotiation, will power and many other skills that will be with me till i die.
I miss my Popo. I feel sad that she is gone but i am glad that she is in a better place (possibly harrassing all the angels in heaven as we speak) She is the last TRUE Matriach of the Nyonya line in my family. She is a character like no other. I miss kissing her and having her hug me as i promise to return from KL to visit with her soon. she has lived 86 years and suffered, enjoyed, endured more life than most people i know. Nothing i can write her will ever describe her as she sits in my mind and in my heart. She used to call me cry baby...well her "Bibian" doesn't cry as much as she did and could not cry when she left us...i guess her lessons have sank in more deeply than i thought. She will always be a part of me. I can see bits of her floating around in me and i feel proud that she was my POPO and that pride of being part of her, her pride in life will stay with me forever.
My PoPo co-brought me up with my parents. We were not wealthy when i was a child. I almost always got hand me down clothes from my sister and treats came in the form of 10cents being placed in my hand sneakily by my grandpa (God bless his soul - he left us quite some years ago) to go play "Tikam" (a gambling game of chance for kids - prizes usually were toys etc) whilst my Popo would nag about wasting money. She would cook up a storm - true nyonya dishes. She would "tepok" (pet) me to sleep and whilst i slept she would fan me with a folded newspaper. She has the best collection of kebayas i ever had seen in my life and she used to love playing mahjong and "ciki"
As usual when you are a child you hardly know the adults that are bringing you up to be a responsible adult. When you are a teenager you refuse to listen to their wisdom and wise advice. When you are a young adult you are too busy building your life to pay much attention to those who spent their lives giving you yours. The dawning of the characters of the people who bring you up through this world comes slowly and sometimes to late. When i say dawning...i mean the slow growth of awareness...and that's how it is for me and probably most of you as well.
At the place that i am now - more or less stable, more or less happy, more or less fulfilled i see things differently. I can see now that when i was growing things were really tough and my parents and grandparent really had to work very hard for themselves and us - especially us. The attitudes and mentality of then and now are vastly different. Choices that were limited then built stronger characters and endurance. Unlimited choices in this day and age have made the younger generations weak. I am glad to say that i am not so far from that ole generation that i have benefited from that attitudes and mental and mettle building that was so strong during that period.
My Popo who recently passed away reached iconic status in my mind probably over the last 10 years where it dawned on me all her sacrifices, her strong will, her fight till the end mentality (that usually drove her kids mad!) her softness, her need for love throughout her life and her love and tenderness (despite appearances) for us all. Undoubtedly she has touched and taught everyone who has ever had the opportunity to meet her. through her i have learnt to see the flip side of every coin, through her, i learnt to see the silver lining in every dark cloud, through her i learnt respect, tolerance, negotiation, will power and many other skills that will be with me till i die.
I miss my Popo. I feel sad that she is gone but i am glad that she is in a better place (possibly harrassing all the angels in heaven as we speak) She is the last TRUE Matriach of the Nyonya line in my family. She is a character like no other. I miss kissing her and having her hug me as i promise to return from KL to visit with her soon. she has lived 86 years and suffered, enjoyed, endured more life than most people i know. Nothing i can write her will ever describe her as she sits in my mind and in my heart. She used to call me cry baby...well her "Bibian" doesn't cry as much as she did and could not cry when she left us...i guess her lessons have sank in more deeply than i thought. She will always be a part of me. I can see bits of her floating around in me and i feel proud that she was my POPO and that pride of being part of her, her pride in life will stay with me forever.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Who Let the Dogs Out?
Remember this song? Well, not a lot of a song since most of its lyrics revolves around those five words and a lot of barking! So it has a catchy tune and most people would remember it. I definitely do...and it isn't because the song is good or i really like the beat.
This song has stuck in memory as it reminds me of the first time hubby lost our dog - Poppet (he has since been found, put back all the weight he lost and become as obnoxious as he used to be) That was the theme song that i sang to hubby everynight for as long as it took us to locate Poppet!
Man, that was real punishment - having to listen to that crap song and feel guilty about our then missing pooch at the same time. Poor Hubby! Poorer Me - I had to sing the damn thing!
After we found Poppet though, i stopped singing that song and tot to myself: "Thank God! It is a terrible song and it's definitely not my cup of tea!" So i tot Me and hubby would be safe from ever having to listen to that beat again (unless some clueless DJ puts the tune on!)
Wishful thinking...tonight i found our gate wide open and both Poppet and Wolfie had disappeared. Heart Attack Alert! Screaming at hubby (it would probably be him seeing as i was no where near the autogate keys) I caught sight of Poppet loitering around our car outside. So i called for him and he wagged his curly pig tail and sauntered over - seems he still remembers what it was like to be lost! So at least i had found one of them. Walking him back to the house the autogate starts to close and hubby is stumbling out of the house with three leads over his shoulder and the little dog (Mags) under his arm. If he had would look tousled and that would have completed his look of shock and guilt.
When he saw that i had Poppet - he opened the gate and got Poppet safely inside. Then we both took off looking for Wolfie. he drove, i walked. I walked all the usual paths we take for walkies but i could not find Wolfie...When i came to the end of the street and the end of my hope of finding Wolfie...Hubby pulls up in the car and the joy i experienced when i spotted Wolfie in the seat next to him was like "woo hoo!!!". Needless to say...the joy of finding my dog was great but not greater than the fact that i would not have had to sing that **** song again!
Who says there aren't miracles? i experienced two this evening!
This song has stuck in memory as it reminds me of the first time hubby lost our dog - Poppet (he has since been found, put back all the weight he lost and become as obnoxious as he used to be) That was the theme song that i sang to hubby everynight for as long as it took us to locate Poppet!
Man, that was real punishment - having to listen to that crap song and feel guilty about our then missing pooch at the same time. Poor Hubby! Poorer Me - I had to sing the damn thing!
After we found Poppet though, i stopped singing that song and tot to myself: "Thank God! It is a terrible song and it's definitely not my cup of tea!" So i tot Me and hubby would be safe from ever having to listen to that beat again (unless some clueless DJ puts the tune on!)
Wishful thinking...tonight i found our gate wide open and both Poppet and Wolfie had disappeared. Heart Attack Alert! Screaming at hubby (it would probably be him seeing as i was no where near the autogate keys) I caught sight of Poppet loitering around our car outside. So i called for him and he wagged his curly pig tail and sauntered over - seems he still remembers what it was like to be lost! So at least i had found one of them. Walking him back to the house the autogate starts to close and hubby is stumbling out of the house with three leads over his shoulder and the little dog (Mags) under his arm. If he had would look tousled and that would have completed his look of shock and guilt.
When he saw that i had Poppet - he opened the gate and got Poppet safely inside. Then we both took off looking for Wolfie. he drove, i walked. I walked all the usual paths we take for walkies but i could not find Wolfie...When i came to the end of the street and the end of my hope of finding Wolfie...Hubby pulls up in the car and the joy i experienced when i spotted Wolfie in the seat next to him was like "woo hoo!!!". Needless to say...the joy of finding my dog was great but not greater than the fact that i would not have had to sing that **** song again!
Who says there aren't miracles? i experienced two this evening!
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Annual Dream
I have an annual dream...believe you me. It happens once a year and it's always the same dream. For 2008 - it has not happened yet. It goes something like this:
There is this square patch of grass. around the perimeter of this grassy patch is a short fence - the kind you can just step over to avoid tripping. this setting is in a space devoid of anything else apart from the characters. There are 3. They are pipes. A Momma Pipe, A Daddy Pipe and a Baby Pipe.
They are walking around the perimeter of this fenced of patch. They seem to live there. They never go into the patch. Just round and round they go... Somewhere in my dream and during their pipe life, the Baby Pipe comes across a pretty sun flower growing at the perimeter of the fenced up patch. Happy to find the flower ( i guess the baby pipe must be pretty bored - i mean i could not walk around a patch of fenced up turf for more than a minute...), she plucks it (dun ask me how i know it's a "she" - i just do), runs over to the Daddy Pipe and presents him with it!
This gets weird now...The Daddy Pipe is terribly angry with the Baby Pipe for plucking the sunflower from the patch and proceeds to chase the Baby Pipe around the fenced up patch. Trust this stage of the dream the Daddy Pipe is enamting strong anger vibes. So the chase goes on for a bit and I can sense that the Baby Pipe is really scared - she might have turned into a sewerage pipe if Mommy Pipe did not interfered.
Interfered Mommy Pipe did. She stop the chase by standing between the Daddy Pipe and the Baby Pipe and spoke calming words to the Daddy Pipe. Soon Daddy Pipe calms down and the three pipes continuing walking around the patch of fenced up turf. On and On ... walking round and round...until the Baby Pipe finds a sunflower and plucks it to present to Daddy Pipe...and the dream goes on and on in a loop!
If i wake up from this dream and return to sleep the dream will continue for the rest of the night. Eeeeriiieeee....
Tell me i am not loony! But honestly, this is an annual dream. I do not go a year without this dream happening at least once. I am awaiting for it to happen.....annnn-tiiii-ciiiii-paaaa-tiooooon!
There is this square patch of grass. around the perimeter of this grassy patch is a short fence - the kind you can just step over to avoid tripping. this setting is in a space devoid of anything else apart from the characters. There are 3. They are pipes. A Momma Pipe, A Daddy Pipe and a Baby Pipe.
They are walking around the perimeter of this fenced of patch. They seem to live there. They never go into the patch. Just round and round they go... Somewhere in my dream and during their pipe life, the Baby Pipe comes across a pretty sun flower growing at the perimeter of the fenced up patch. Happy to find the flower ( i guess the baby pipe must be pretty bored - i mean i could not walk around a patch of fenced up turf for more than a minute...), she plucks it (dun ask me how i know it's a "she" - i just do), runs over to the Daddy Pipe and presents him with it!
This gets weird now...The Daddy Pipe is terribly angry with the Baby Pipe for plucking the sunflower from the patch and proceeds to chase the Baby Pipe around the fenced up patch. Trust this stage of the dream the Daddy Pipe is enamting strong anger vibes. So the chase goes on for a bit and I can sense that the Baby Pipe is really scared - she might have turned into a sewerage pipe if Mommy Pipe did not interfered.
Interfered Mommy Pipe did. She stop the chase by standing between the Daddy Pipe and the Baby Pipe and spoke calming words to the Daddy Pipe. Soon Daddy Pipe calms down and the three pipes continuing walking around the patch of fenced up turf. On and On ... walking round and round...until the Baby Pipe finds a sunflower and plucks it to present to Daddy Pipe...and the dream goes on and on in a loop!
If i wake up from this dream and return to sleep the dream will continue for the rest of the night. Eeeeriiieeee....
Tell me i am not loony! But honestly, this is an annual dream. I do not go a year without this dream happening at least once. I am awaiting for it to happen.....annnn-tiiii-ciiiii-paaaa-tiooooon!
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Doggie Bag Dispenser
Been a long time with much happening in between my last blog and this one. Though you wonder may wonder on the title of this on and wonder no more.
See...recently my knight in shiny fur - this would be Sir Wolfie that i'm referring to - took a fancy to plastic bags. Mind you he's proven to be the salt of the earth by only taking interest in the cheap coloured plastic bags used by almost all hawkers in this part of the world. None of that fancy pancy plastic bags that more sophisticated retailers give out in their quest for world wide domination through brainwashing.
Back to the story. So Sir Wolfie almost always accompanies hubby wubby on their regular morning walks. And on their regular morning walks they come across really irregular garbage strewn along the'd be amazed at what you could find...empty wallet/handbags, discarded food (most interestingly usually macdonald's wrappers), used tissue paper, keys, and of course plastic bags. This last item has been a hot favourite for Sir Wolfie to find, pick up, thrash around and cheekily dare his "daddy" to get it from him.
Of course when i'm about with them, i will always get flustered and ask the "daddy" to quickly get it out of Sir Wolfie's gaping black hole - fearing that he might swallow the bag. Most days my flustering is laughed off and hubby wubby will unsuccessfully chase down Wolfie in circles before my cheeky knight decides that his "daddy" is too slow for this game and ends it by spitting the plastic bag out and moving onto something that poor daddy can actually get his shorts.
Up until a couple of days ago, Wolfie's antics and fascination with plastic bags were thought to be a "funny thing that he did" - UNTIL HE SWALLOWED THE DAMN BAG!!
That's right! There was no more laughing my flustering away be honest i felt a teeny bit worried about my Wolfie but could not help but feel smug when hubby wubby's face took on a shade of pale when the possiblities of dog swallowing plastic bag complications arose in his head. I had to bite my tongue or spouted something along the lines of "I TOLD YOU SO!!"
Over the course of the day, we monitored his breathing and watched him closely for signs of suffocation, indigestion and when we went for walkies...we checked his poo to see if he had successfully purged himself of the foreigh object! We ARE talking about Wolfie here although hubby wubby did display signs of breathing distress at the possibility of Wolfie not surviving his latest craving - plastic bags.
It was not until a full 24 hour day had passed that Wolfie pooped out his plastic bag! It was during the evening walkie and i urged hubby wubby to bring along a torch light to check out Wolfie's poop in the dark. We walked and we walked and we walked somemore and eventually the little tyke decided to have a poop. At first we couldn't see any thing similar to a plastic bag, in texture or colour and we were worried that Wolfie would have a plastic bag stuck somewhere between his gaping black hole and his ...hole for the rest of his life. Then i caught sight of a bit of colour in his poo and upon closer examination and the aid of a small rock to move Wolfie's smelly contents around we would see that my knight had successfully purge the peach coloured plastic bag out! It was complete wrapped in shite...of course!
I think all of us breathed a sigh of relief at this momumentous event! We all stood there marvelling his crappy work (pun intended) for a full 5 minute period and smiled at each other...i know...i know...we're weird! You could imagine the back slapping going around the royal family as our knight was finally successful in his mission! I have been giving some thought to patenting the idea of a doggie bag dispenser....what do you think? Hmm....
See...recently my knight in shiny fur - this would be Sir Wolfie that i'm referring to - took a fancy to plastic bags. Mind you he's proven to be the salt of the earth by only taking interest in the cheap coloured plastic bags used by almost all hawkers in this part of the world. None of that fancy pancy plastic bags that more sophisticated retailers give out in their quest for world wide domination through brainwashing.
Back to the story. So Sir Wolfie almost always accompanies hubby wubby on their regular morning walks. And on their regular morning walks they come across really irregular garbage strewn along the'd be amazed at what you could find...empty wallet/handbags, discarded food (most interestingly usually macdonald's wrappers), used tissue paper, keys, and of course plastic bags. This last item has been a hot favourite for Sir Wolfie to find, pick up, thrash around and cheekily dare his "daddy" to get it from him.
Of course when i'm about with them, i will always get flustered and ask the "daddy" to quickly get it out of Sir Wolfie's gaping black hole - fearing that he might swallow the bag. Most days my flustering is laughed off and hubby wubby will unsuccessfully chase down Wolfie in circles before my cheeky knight decides that his "daddy" is too slow for this game and ends it by spitting the plastic bag out and moving onto something that poor daddy can actually get his shorts.
Up until a couple of days ago, Wolfie's antics and fascination with plastic bags were thought to be a "funny thing that he did" - UNTIL HE SWALLOWED THE DAMN BAG!!
That's right! There was no more laughing my flustering away be honest i felt a teeny bit worried about my Wolfie but could not help but feel smug when hubby wubby's face took on a shade of pale when the possiblities of dog swallowing plastic bag complications arose in his head. I had to bite my tongue or spouted something along the lines of "I TOLD YOU SO!!"
Over the course of the day, we monitored his breathing and watched him closely for signs of suffocation, indigestion and when we went for walkies...we checked his poo to see if he had successfully purged himself of the foreigh object! We ARE talking about Wolfie here although hubby wubby did display signs of breathing distress at the possibility of Wolfie not surviving his latest craving - plastic bags.
It was not until a full 24 hour day had passed that Wolfie pooped out his plastic bag! It was during the evening walkie and i urged hubby wubby to bring along a torch light to check out Wolfie's poop in the dark. We walked and we walked and we walked somemore and eventually the little tyke decided to have a poop. At first we couldn't see any thing similar to a plastic bag, in texture or colour and we were worried that Wolfie would have a plastic bag stuck somewhere between his gaping black hole and his ...hole for the rest of his life. Then i caught sight of a bit of colour in his poo and upon closer examination and the aid of a small rock to move Wolfie's smelly contents around we would see that my knight had successfully purge the peach coloured plastic bag out! It was complete wrapped in shite...of course!
I think all of us breathed a sigh of relief at this momumentous event! We all stood there marvelling his crappy work (pun intended) for a full 5 minute period and smiled at each other...i know...i know...we're weird! You could imagine the back slapping going around the royal family as our knight was finally successful in his mission! I have been giving some thought to patenting the idea of a doggie bag dispenser....what do you think? Hmm....
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Nightmare in Boss Street
What's this all about you might ask? Such an interesting is kinda kewl if you asked me...and you are asking me if you're reading my blog! IT'S ALL ABOUT NIGHTMARE BOSSES!! Be warned - if you read this and feel embarrassed/upset (lightbulb moment) then maybe there's some truth in it and it's probably time for you to re-evaluate - do you really want to kick me or give yourself a good kicking? just clarify these nightmare bosses do not occur in your dreams whilst you sleep at night...well not always...for most (*wink* *wink* at my boss). These creatures called bosses are not all bad...well not always...but on most days and for some - at nights; and for others - always...i.e. me
These creatures are only cruel and unusual when they put their boss personalities on...well true for some of these boss. I have seen these cruel creatures unable to take off the boss personalities...It's fatal! This is how it all begins.....
One are walking down the employee street... going about your business, doing your requisite work and pushing for new initiatives like any good employee would do. Your colleagues (whom you get along swell with) walk along side you in the quest to move up the corporate ladder....then one day...BAM!! you get promoted. And you become boss... (BTW Boss diseases can hit you in other scenarios ...i.e. you start you own business etc)
Bit by bit the Boss disease will take over the nice employee that everyone used to like... and you become this horrible creature that everyone lurves to hate that it until you take off your boss personality (if that is ever possible?). Boss disease syndromes are fairly obvious:
1) they think everyone is their slave
2) they think they are brighter and smarter than anyone
3) they think they have the best ideas in the house and anyone who tries to get any other ideas in should be shot
4) they cannot even make their own calls i.e. they need someone to dial the phone number for them
5) they don't really like making decisions and usually subtly "encourage" others to decide
6) Any decision that is fatal is a subordinate made decision
7) any decision that is successful is a Boss made decision (and they call this team work)
8) they like to "steal" ideas and pass it off as a modification of your original idea so essentially it becomes theirs
9) they shout at you and then turn their heels and walk away
10) they don't listen they just grunt (like some animals i know!)
Once you are's a long way to recover..some never do!!
i had this female boss once (and the legends are true about bitch female bosses) and she was the ultimate bitch boss anyone could have didn't help that she was overweight and constantly on some fab diet that make her grumpy coz she was hungry. It was made worse by the fact that she was single and her boyfriend of eons would not pop the "WYMM" question. Further escalating the situation was that she worked for a beauty spa thingy where you could see all the ultra sexy clients coming in for various treatments. I probably made it bad for myself by eating cha kuey teoh every day for lunch with her and her salad in tow...I would never know what kind of a mood i would find her in in the mornings (btw. she was not a morning person and neither was I - which was what probably got her goat about me as well). I would usually just assume the following about my bitch boss if she was found in a foul mood in the morning:
1) Hungry
2) No Sex last night
3) Another failed marriage proposal to the old git she calls her guy - whom we all tot was gay anyway
4) Deadlines
She used to scream abuse and accusations in my face and would stalk off the minute she was done. that caused me a lot of frustration as i could never answer to any of her accusations or justify my decisions or anything. It was a lack of respect that really infuriated me and i was sure that she knew the effects of her being completely ball-less when confronting an employee/colleague in this manner.
I used to dread going to work and would purposefully be late coming in. Well actually it was not purposefully. It was really not on purpose that i really like sleeping in and that the bitch boss actually made it easier for me to not be pressured into coming in on time...eventually I left...
I got through employment with really nice bosses (see not all of them are bad - just them Damn Little Napoleans!!) Then i got to the really nice boss and that was a nightmare in itself...He was so nice, much nicer than the doormats that Ikea sells...and he's unique - he's a harvard doormat. though he wasn't bad - he was damn strange! He had really weird habits and it freaked me and all my fellow colleagues out. Usually you get the staff divided into two camps or more...this was a united front. Now who said all nightmares had to be scary...some are just plain weird. Like this one.
My current bosses (I have two) are the epitome of Yin and Yang. If you would like to find out more about what i mean then just meetup with me and i'll let you buy me a tea or three and i can yak till pigs can fly and it would be highly therapeutic for my soul...any takers? Didn't think so...guess you all have your own bosses to deal with in Nightmare street huh... just clarify these nightmare bosses do not occur in your dreams whilst you sleep at night...well not always...for most (*wink* *wink* at my boss). These creatures called bosses are not all bad...well not always...but on most days and for some - at nights; and for others - always...i.e. me
These creatures are only cruel and unusual when they put their boss personalities on...well true for some of these boss. I have seen these cruel creatures unable to take off the boss personalities...It's fatal! This is how it all begins.....
One are walking down the employee street... going about your business, doing your requisite work and pushing for new initiatives like any good employee would do. Your colleagues (whom you get along swell with) walk along side you in the quest to move up the corporate ladder....then one day...BAM!! you get promoted. And you become boss... (BTW Boss diseases can hit you in other scenarios ...i.e. you start you own business etc)
Bit by bit the Boss disease will take over the nice employee that everyone used to like... and you become this horrible creature that everyone lurves to hate that it until you take off your boss personality (if that is ever possible?). Boss disease syndromes are fairly obvious:
1) they think everyone is their slave
2) they think they are brighter and smarter than anyone
3) they think they have the best ideas in the house and anyone who tries to get any other ideas in should be shot
4) they cannot even make their own calls i.e. they need someone to dial the phone number for them
5) they don't really like making decisions and usually subtly "encourage" others to decide
6) Any decision that is fatal is a subordinate made decision
7) any decision that is successful is a Boss made decision (and they call this team work)
8) they like to "steal" ideas and pass it off as a modification of your original idea so essentially it becomes theirs
9) they shout at you and then turn their heels and walk away
10) they don't listen they just grunt (like some animals i know!)
Once you are's a long way to recover..some never do!!
i had this female boss once (and the legends are true about bitch female bosses) and she was the ultimate bitch boss anyone could have didn't help that she was overweight and constantly on some fab diet that make her grumpy coz she was hungry. It was made worse by the fact that she was single and her boyfriend of eons would not pop the "WYMM" question. Further escalating the situation was that she worked for a beauty spa thingy where you could see all the ultra sexy clients coming in for various treatments. I probably made it bad for myself by eating cha kuey teoh every day for lunch with her and her salad in tow...I would never know what kind of a mood i would find her in in the mornings (btw. she was not a morning person and neither was I - which was what probably got her goat about me as well). I would usually just assume the following about my bitch boss if she was found in a foul mood in the morning:
1) Hungry
2) No Sex last night
3) Another failed marriage proposal to the old git she calls her guy - whom we all tot was gay anyway
4) Deadlines
She used to scream abuse and accusations in my face and would stalk off the minute she was done. that caused me a lot of frustration as i could never answer to any of her accusations or justify my decisions or anything. It was a lack of respect that really infuriated me and i was sure that she knew the effects of her being completely ball-less when confronting an employee/colleague in this manner.
I used to dread going to work and would purposefully be late coming in. Well actually it was not purposefully. It was really not on purpose that i really like sleeping in and that the bitch boss actually made it easier for me to not be pressured into coming in on time...eventually I left...
I got through employment with really nice bosses (see not all of them are bad - just them Damn Little Napoleans!!) Then i got to the really nice boss and that was a nightmare in itself...He was so nice, much nicer than the doormats that Ikea sells...and he's unique - he's a harvard doormat. though he wasn't bad - he was damn strange! He had really weird habits and it freaked me and all my fellow colleagues out. Usually you get the staff divided into two camps or more...this was a united front. Now who said all nightmares had to be scary...some are just plain weird. Like this one.
My current bosses (I have two) are the epitome of Yin and Yang. If you would like to find out more about what i mean then just meetup with me and i'll let you buy me a tea or three and i can yak till pigs can fly and it would be highly therapeutic for my soul...any takers? Didn't think so...guess you all have your own bosses to deal with in Nightmare street huh...
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Welcome 2008
I know it's a bit late in the year for this...and so many people have already published their new year greetings...but i'm a firm believer of better late than never, so here i go......
Ahhh.....The new year! Fresh starts! Lots of new resolutions! And Another 357 days (leap year) in which to break them all! New challenges, new trials, new products, new wars, new casualties, new deaths, new births, new pregnancies, new tragedies, new miracles, new saints etc....a whole year promising loads of excitement and emotional roller coaster rides!
I won't bother going into the resolution making exercise. I'm sure there's more than enough people out there that are making and as we speak breaking resolutions all over the world. The world could do with one less resolution making and breaking mad woman! So I'm out!
Queen Bubbles has had quite a dramatic couple of months. So since i'm not making any resolutions for 2008, I am allowed wishes. One of them is that my emotional roller coaster rides concerning matter out of my control will remain on the positive end of the spectrum. For matters within my control i wish for the same thing.
I wish peace for people who are overly excited or overtly excitable. I wish contentment for the greedy and mischevious. I wish good health to the sick. For those flapping about in confusion in life - i wish direction and courage. I wish all the frustrated and angry - enlightenment and new perspective.
I hope all the people who i know or remembers me will have a great year filled with laughter, happiness and health. May each and everyone of you live each day to the fullest, to the bestest (new word...just coined by me...:D) of your abilities. All are welcome into Bubble-dom to escape from life's trials and read about wacky wonky me!
Ahhh.....The new year! Fresh starts! Lots of new resolutions! And Another 357 days (leap year) in which to break them all! New challenges, new trials, new products, new wars, new casualties, new deaths, new births, new pregnancies, new tragedies, new miracles, new saints etc....a whole year promising loads of excitement and emotional roller coaster rides!
I won't bother going into the resolution making exercise. I'm sure there's more than enough people out there that are making and as we speak breaking resolutions all over the world. The world could do with one less resolution making and breaking mad woman! So I'm out!
Queen Bubbles has had quite a dramatic couple of months. So since i'm not making any resolutions for 2008, I am allowed wishes. One of them is that my emotional roller coaster rides concerning matter out of my control will remain on the positive end of the spectrum. For matters within my control i wish for the same thing.
I wish peace for people who are overly excited or overtly excitable. I wish contentment for the greedy and mischevious. I wish good health to the sick. For those flapping about in confusion in life - i wish direction and courage. I wish all the frustrated and angry - enlightenment and new perspective.
I hope all the people who i know or remembers me will have a great year filled with laughter, happiness and health. May each and everyone of you live each day to the fullest, to the bestest (new word...just coined by me...:D) of your abilities. All are welcome into Bubble-dom to escape from life's trials and read about wacky wonky me!
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gimme sexy...oh yeah!