Monday, 1 December 2008

size makes no difference

Size makes no my last post, you read about how Magster was attacked at the doggie event and that he was covered in blood but had no wounds to show for it...well this is where i get my title from.
My shih-tzu, Magster small as he is (a little ruffian to boot) managed somehow to bite the big dog in the throat whilst he was incarcerated in the jaws of hell. He also managed to chew the finger of the attacking dog's owner and two of my fingers that were wokring against the jaws of hell.

All the blood came from everyone else but him. So in my last post you also read that Magster has become more wary of the bigger dogs. he doesn't seem afraid of the attacking dog (we still see them around when we walk in the evenings and the mornings) and he barks at them and strains at the lead. Size is a state of mind - my friends...please learn a thing or two from my doggies. Maybe i should have named Mags....David. the only problem is David probably did not survive the next Goliath.

anyway...remember violent hay fever season? So it's not the end of this dreadful season...we're only half way through. So one night, we were all sat on the floor after a hard day's at the office with hubby and the doggies keeping strangers at bay. I was feeding them snacks. And Magster has this habit of hoarding his snacks infront of him between his paws. He keeps them for after the big doggies have gulped theirs down only to eat his leisurely giving them smirk expressions as he enjoys his snack stash.

This partially sighted dog decided that he would try for some of Magster's stash. As i have mentioned. Magster is very wary of big dogs and does not take kindly to one encroaching his personal space and snack stash. the first time Poppet try to have a go at the stacked stash he was growled away by Magster with complete eye balling effect.

the second time Poppet tried, Magster lost it and began a full attack. so Poppet retaliated and since it was not really a fair fight ( i know, i know what i said in my earlier posts but look at the size difference...) so i interfered. Not before Wolfie jumped into the scrimage and all hell literally broke loose coz their dad came tumbling into the fray as well...and somewhere in between - Wolfie got his ear torn up pretty badly. Magster had a near eye popping incident and Poppet escaped with the stash and without a blemish...

needless to say - it was off to the vet's again the next day for a full course of antibiotics...It has been 10 days since this occurred and i'm glad to report that Wolfie is doing fine....
Wait for it....the finale to Violent hay fever....coming up next

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gimme sexy...oh yeah!