Have you heard Britney's Spear's latest song out? It's called womanzier or something like that ( i know...i know... thrashy title and trashier sound) but it did something really amazing - it united the Morons of the World.
It was early this morning when i was driving to work together with my King and we were caught in the usual carriage crawl to reach the royal court. As per our routine, we would be tuned in to the radio listening the whatever the morning news (Madonna divorcing Guy Ritchie is news - can you believe the world we live in?!?!) and reports of morning traffic carnage. Somewhere in between we actually get a couple of tunes. The DJs are fairly entertaining and sometimes have information that cracks us up. This morning we received shocking news that Britney Spears upon her come back and release of song Womanizer entered the Pop Charts at 96 position and in ONE DAY went up to NO. 1 or something frivolous like that. That isn't the most shocking part. The most shocking part is the song completely sucks! the only lyric the song has is "Womanizer"...That's right...all Britney Spears has done is repeat the word over and over again.
MORONS of the world stand united in their bid to place properly displaced white trash Britney Spears back on her trashy pop throne where she can sit with her legs open knickerless!
When we heard the "news" we both instanteously turned to each other with horror etched in our face...I mean the King could hardly close his trap from the shock he suffered. God Save us from the Morons of the World and their white trash queen - Britney Spears! I will pray for all you misguided souls that went out and bought her CD and danced to that horrible tune.
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