Saturday, 9 June 2007

Saving the Doggies with Wolfie

Today i brought Wolfie with me to a charity carnival where i was supposed to help manage the adoption booth for rescued doggies. I was a bit apprehensive as i did not know how he would react to being around so many doggies but nevertheless i was determined to get wolfie out of the house so that hubby and poppet and enjoy a stress free morning - so off we went together to save some doggies.

He was marvelous! He behaved himself beautifully - non of the aggressive behaviour that he shows when poppet is around. Only the occassional bark to tell me to hurry back from my journey to fight some serious attack of the thirsty monsters.

He let children pet him and walk him and he even made friends with Billy another male dog that was there for PR purposes. There was also a guard dog show where I volunteered to be a "victim" of a snatch theft incident. I was supposed to be walking when a guy comes from behind, steals my newspaper, pushes me and runs off. I was instructed to scream "HELP! HELP!" And a trained German Sheperd named Rocky would be chasing after my assailant, biting him on the arm to wrestle him to the ground until the command was given to release.

I say - my performance demands an oscar la! Wolfie on the side was barking when he saw the guy push me - aaawwwwww.....he luves me that dog. It was a nice morning out doing some good but seriously hot! The best news is we will probably see most of the puppies adopted into good homes. We had lots of inquiries and we will have to screen the homes before the adoption can take place...more doggie saving duties...

We are home now in the comfort of our aircon living room. I am as usual sprawled on the floor, writing this blog with wolfie beside me asleep. He had a busy morning saving doggies as have I. I'm gonna catch a couple of winks with my dog wolfie (a short respite for the heros) and then when we wake in about an hour - he's gonna get a bath! I'm sure he's thrilled...NOT! (Even super dog Wolfie needs to smell nice!)

1 comment:

Momto5 said...

Eh upload Wolfie's picture lah. Not quite fair that only Poppet gets his pic up there on the page right?


gimme sexy...oh yeah!