Sunday, 3 June 2007

Off With Their Nuts

The Ruler of Bubble-dom is pissed off beyond belief. I always believed in a peaceful (though sometime sarcastic) settlement of disagreements in Bubbledom. I believe that i'm never the one to start (most days) a confrontation and usuallythe one that ends all forced confrontations. But today is a whole new ball game!

Most days my dogs settle their greivances amongst each otherby tiring themselves out snarling, circling, snapping and biting each other. We provide some help in settling these petty issues (i.e. that's my mommy hand stroking you - Notallowed!! or that's my part of the floor you sleeping on - Not allowed!! or I dun like your face - Notallowed!!) by pulling them apart with brute force (believe me you that you really need arms of steel and that no weight training program in the market can get your arms in shape like holding back two actively aggressive trying to kill each other)

So the morning started not so good with the boys going at it at the gate even before we are out the door. Usually they are pretty well behaved once out walking but not this day. Not this morning. This morning both dicks (literally) went for it in the middle of the road. In summary, why i am so pissed off is because:

1) they hurt each other again
2) i lost my stick (actually i lost Hubby's stick - bet he'll be pissed off...)
3) I got bit in the leg
4) My leg got bitten
5) the bloody dicks got my leg....
6) oooowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!

Essentially that's it! Is there anything to be said in their defence before sentencing is passed? NO! ZIP! ZERO! NADA! TAK ADA!

Therefore as a highly pissed off Ruler of Bubbledom with a sore leg - I now pass Sentence

"Off With their Nuts!!"

I will save my justification for this sentence in another post.


Momto5 said...

Yeah smack the mutts on the noses for me. They need a good spray of cold water to stop them fighting!

Nice blog.

Telling to see that Babe is last eh?

You owe me phone numbers. Get to it now. Please.

Momto5 said...

Eh... am I done? Thot I posted a comment already??

testing testing one two three...


gimme sexy...oh yeah!