Monday, 10 December 2007

Retail Therapy

This term "Retail Therapy" was coined probably less than a decade ago. I guess people suffered symptomatic signs of this disease since the beginning of time...cave woman buying a new rock to sit on...caveman buying the latest club to swing at the closest get my point. Everyone since the beginning of time has purchased/bartered something. The point is anytime we get anything new - it made us happy. For example if (during the time of barter trade) I planted and harvested enough bananas to barter for a basket of mangoes and successfully managed the barter - i would be happy, proud of my achievement... So the same goes with today's modern society that if i work hard and used my hard earned dosh to get something (doesn't have to be practical and can be totally frivolous i.e. woman buying her hundreth pair of shoes or men collecting vintage cars...esp men that are in their forties...ooopss! I think this falls into the mid life crisis area) i would be happy and proud of my achievement (The definition of achievement here is highly suspect!)

Retail Therapy as far as I can tell or from what society seems to think it means - suggests that people who are upset with life or rather "NOT HAPPY" with the state of things will go out and purchase something to make them feel in control. So when we shop - do we indulge in Retail Therapy? Does it mean i have to be upset to shop? Does it mean I shop only to feel good?

I think the coining of such a yuppified (it's never retail therapy for the aunties in my neighbourhood...) term has officially made shopping a true disease of sorts. And in this chronic hyperchondriac television drama fed society - it has made shopping more attractive then ever - I would say that this term was invented by someone in the retail world to boost sales...coz the term "retail therapy"has been bandied about with such abandon by friends, family and strangers. It is used loosely and it encourages people to shop in ways that fit this profile. Suddenly "therapy" is no longer restricted to open to all that fancy themselves hip enough to be sick - it is free for all, open season for shopping.

I may come across as highly cynical and definitely suspicious of what may seem simple to the masses but i really believe this is one big marketing ploy created by the retailers (there must be some secret retailer society since the time of Da Vinci...maybe his girlfriend was one of the pioneer members) defined, refined and deployed by the psychologist/psychiatrist who were involved in the creation of this concept. I think they sold us the sale! They planted the concept/idea of retail therapy into our the process suggested that people spend money to feel in control (read as: you are in control only when you have money and can spend it! NOOOOT....SO the total opposite - if you keep spending/indulging your disease you will have no money and definitely no power) and then just let nature takes its course...AND TAKEN ITS COURSE IT HAS!! Funny how reverse psychology can work wonders....

anyway...I'm rambling...something that i have been doing for a while...hope i snap out of it...coz i know i sound totally incoherent!

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gimme sexy...oh yeah!