I confess publicly - I lurve my man! But and this isn't a big but...but it's still a but! Where was I? But he's tone deaf! As i write this he is belting out Take me home country road! Not two feet from me!
The urge to knock him unconcious is subdued by the cuteness of him singing out with all his heart, staring with such fierce concentration into the lyric book! He has just put on the next song "Sunshine on my Shoulders" and asks me if i know it! I said yes and he says he's never heard of it! Makes me think my hubby is a bit of a commercial music nut stuck in the 70s era. In summary this means that he likes music that was very commercial in the 70s and has not changed his tastes since then.
He seems to like country music (provided its not been mangled by any new boy bands on the new millenium scene). He has however picked upsome new millenium habits like channel surfing at warp speed and he does the same with any new CDs given to him. This can be fairly annoying since I am usually enjoying the song privately in my head only to have the tune change suddenly and before 15 minutes are up you've gone through the whole CD. Then he gets bored and picks up something else.
Now's it's Annie's Song...oh you know the one..."you fill up my senses....like a night in the forest" and he's going at it with his squeaky voice...it's cute but definitely not american idol...he probably wouldn't make the heats! he's got this nasally effect on the songs....and the funniest thingy is that he usually has trouble with the words even though his eyes are glued to the lyrics in his hand...so it sort of ends in some kind of mumble....
The high notes are the ones you never forget when he loses wind and goes all over the place...man! I could have Simon Cowell's job...i could be his sistah! I know just the person that could be Paula Abdul as well but i'm not telling! Hopefully i survive this night of tone deafness and will return to thrill you about my happening life!!
I've read all your posts and now my eyes are screaming to be given some respite from staring at the computer screen! Great stuff, Bubbles, but please post more photos. The ones that you have posted lok fantastic!!
Hey I never knew my BIL could sing! Next time I'm in KL we'll do some country karaoke!
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