Thursday, 4 October 2007

Bite, Biting & Bitten

Mercy! Will the foolishness of mankind never end? I mean i dun expect peace time throughout my life with no wars ever happening in this world! But is it too much to ask for people to have a little common sense on the small details in life?

In just two instances in which i am about to relate - you be the judge! The first is WHY OH WHY DO PEOPLE LET THEIR PETS RUN AROUND UNATTENDED? The main point here is if you are too lazy to walk your pets then don't have one! The people in my estate (not all but a fair number) allows their dogs to roam free to take the daily walkabout and pissabout and poohabout. Sometimes they are walking a distance from their pet, most times they are not present and simply let the little gringos roam loose! You might think that
1) they have excellent control over their doggies BUT they don't
2) they feel bad putting a leash and restricting their doggies movements
3) they cannot be bothered to be pulled around
Well, these little gringos cause a lot of problems for people like myself. If my doggies gets antsy when it sees another dog - I still have some control over its behaviour - THE LEAD! The gringos that run free have no one in control of its behaviour and act aggressively towards me and my dogs. These owners that walk a distance behind or ahead of their loose pooches feel that they have excellent control over their pets. Yes they do - in the house. Not outside and especially when they cross paths with other poochies! Scream at them, call them back...none of them will heed you or your commands! PEOPLE!!! Please remember "PRIMAL INSTINCT"!! So since you as a homosapien is supposed to be superior in intelligence (NOT THE CASE FOR SOME!) you would be expected to exercise common sense and PUT YOUR BLOODY DOGS ON A LEASH!

The humanitarian excuse - "oh i feel bad about treating my dog like a dog by putting a leash on it" IT TOTAL AND UTTER BOLLOCKS! It is a dog...yes you love it and you care for it - SO bloody show it! What do you think a lead is for? It's to educate your doggies and to keep them from harm (read not get into fights)...SO get off your moral high horse and put the lead on the dog!

That's only one of the idiotic instances of the lack of common sense in people! The next point arises from the scenario where your dogs are agitated by other loose roaming dogs - what to do?
Personally - i would have reined in my dogs and walked away - NO CONFRONTATION! Even if the doggies are rushing me - I will stand my ground and protect my pooches from the loose roaming pooch as well as from themselves.

What i don't get is how SOME people can let the leads go slack and allow the agitated doggies full rein of the situation? I mean - is it not easier to control your dogs if they had less rope to hang themselves and you with? In situations like these...tighten the lead and lead your dogs away.

The reason for this rant is because i got bit again! and it all happened because of these two idiotic instances where the human mind lets slip and shit now i have holes in my left leg (that's right the earlier bites were in my right leg and hand - soo i'm just waiting for my left hand to get chewed off! All in the space of a year!)

RULERS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM TAKE HEED! They are your pets therefore your responsibility. If they do hurt anyone or anything - YOU WILL BE AT FAULT (though the poor doggies will probably be put to sleep and the irresponsible owner just goes on to get another dog!! My thoughts? The owners should be the ones to be put to sleep!!)

1 comment:

Momto5 said...

Hmm I get the same comments about children...


gimme sexy...oh yeah!