So after all would think...this season is awfully must have finished with the last violent episode. Well...think again....
Every morning we go for walkies with the doggies. we usually look left and right before we open our gate to begin our walkies. This is because our neighbours have a habit of letting their dogs roam freely which causes quite a fair bit of problems for responsible doggie walkers like ourselves (always on a lead)
A couple of days ago, we went about our usual routine and began our walkies with our excited pooches. Over the last couple of days we have noticed a couple of bitches roaming our estates. And these bitches usually are in the company of our free roaming neighbour's dogs (which are all make btw) So on this very bright and cheerful morning as we made our way out - we spotted this bitch with our neighbour's brute in tow coming up our way. So i asked hubby to come back into the safety of our front porch to let the pair past before we moved out...
he i opened the auto gate and ushered PSP (Partially Sighted Poppet) and STM (Severely Traumatized Mags) back into our property. Hubby made his way slowly back into the compound. Stopping at the gate so that i he blocked the entrance with Wolfie out front.
If you have ever had a dog and seen how it behaves when there is a stranger at your door...multiply that by 10 tens to get the same effect when it's another dog and then multiply that reaction by ohhh...let's just say 10 times more when there's a bitch involved....
So i called to hubby..."i do not want to be feeding my dogs antibiotics for life...please move Wolfie inside so that i can close the gate to avoid any trouble..."
He moves in but by this time...Wolfie is in a frenzy (please do the maths above to have an idea of what kind of a frenzy he is in) they move in.....i move forward to block the opening of the gate as it closes...and suddenly i feel shock...then pain...then ANGER!
My dog had just taken a chunk out of my leg. Hubby was caught off guard and stood there surprised for a couple of minutes before reacting by slapping wolfie...who by this time had realised what he had done and was cowering at hubby's feet.
Man...did it with alll dog bites. Needless to say, if i was half asleep when i started the walk i wasn't anymore....I saw stars...little silver things around my peripheral vision...twinkling in time to the throb of the bite....great...i thought...and we had a busy couple of weeks ahead at work as well...just what i needed.
Not pointing fingers at whose fault it is...partially my neighbours for having their dogs run loose and freely, partially hubby's for not bringing the dog in when he could (before the frenzy started), partly my fault for moving infront of a frenzied dog....well....i hope violent hay fever season is over....I have had enough for 2008....
Give me a peaceful 2009....Nice doggies....nice doggies......
Monday, 1 December 2008
size makes no difference
Size makes no my last post, you read about how Magster was attacked at the doggie event and that he was covered in blood but had no wounds to show for it...well this is where i get my title from.
My shih-tzu, Magster small as he is (a little ruffian to boot) managed somehow to bite the big dog in the throat whilst he was incarcerated in the jaws of hell. He also managed to chew the finger of the attacking dog's owner and two of my fingers that were wokring against the jaws of hell.
All the blood came from everyone else but him. So in my last post you also read that Magster has become more wary of the bigger dogs. he doesn't seem afraid of the attacking dog (we still see them around when we walk in the evenings and the mornings) and he barks at them and strains at the lead. Size is a state of mind - my friends...please learn a thing or two from my doggies. Maybe i should have named Mags....David. the only problem is David probably did not survive the next Goliath.
anyway...remember violent hay fever season? So it's not the end of this dreadful season...we're only half way through. So one night, we were all sat on the floor after a hard day's at the office with hubby and the doggies keeping strangers at bay. I was feeding them snacks. And Magster has this habit of hoarding his snacks infront of him between his paws. He keeps them for after the big doggies have gulped theirs down only to eat his leisurely giving them smirk expressions as he enjoys his snack stash.
This partially sighted dog decided that he would try for some of Magster's stash. As i have mentioned. Magster is very wary of big dogs and does not take kindly to one encroaching his personal space and snack stash. the first time Poppet try to have a go at the stacked stash he was growled away by Magster with complete eye balling effect.
the second time Poppet tried, Magster lost it and began a full attack. so Poppet retaliated and since it was not really a fair fight ( i know, i know what i said in my earlier posts but look at the size difference...) so i interfered. Not before Wolfie jumped into the scrimage and all hell literally broke loose coz their dad came tumbling into the fray as well...and somewhere in between - Wolfie got his ear torn up pretty badly. Magster had a near eye popping incident and Poppet escaped with the stash and without a blemish...
needless to say - it was off to the vet's again the next day for a full course of antibiotics...It has been 10 days since this occurred and i'm glad to report that Wolfie is doing fine....
Wait for it....the finale to Violent hay fever....coming up next
My shih-tzu, Magster small as he is (a little ruffian to boot) managed somehow to bite the big dog in the throat whilst he was incarcerated in the jaws of hell. He also managed to chew the finger of the attacking dog's owner and two of my fingers that were wokring against the jaws of hell.
All the blood came from everyone else but him. So in my last post you also read that Magster has become more wary of the bigger dogs. he doesn't seem afraid of the attacking dog (we still see them around when we walk in the evenings and the mornings) and he barks at them and strains at the lead. Size is a state of mind - my friends...please learn a thing or two from my doggies. Maybe i should have named Mags....David. the only problem is David probably did not survive the next Goliath.
anyway...remember violent hay fever season? So it's not the end of this dreadful season...we're only half way through. So one night, we were all sat on the floor after a hard day's at the office with hubby and the doggies keeping strangers at bay. I was feeding them snacks. And Magster has this habit of hoarding his snacks infront of him between his paws. He keeps them for after the big doggies have gulped theirs down only to eat his leisurely giving them smirk expressions as he enjoys his snack stash.
This partially sighted dog decided that he would try for some of Magster's stash. As i have mentioned. Magster is very wary of big dogs and does not take kindly to one encroaching his personal space and snack stash. the first time Poppet try to have a go at the stacked stash he was growled away by Magster with complete eye balling effect.
the second time Poppet tried, Magster lost it and began a full attack. so Poppet retaliated and since it was not really a fair fight ( i know, i know what i said in my earlier posts but look at the size difference...) so i interfered. Not before Wolfie jumped into the scrimage and all hell literally broke loose coz their dad came tumbling into the fray as well...and somewhere in between - Wolfie got his ear torn up pretty badly. Magster had a near eye popping incident and Poppet escaped with the stash and without a blemish...
needless to say - it was off to the vet's again the next day for a full course of antibiotics...It has been 10 days since this occurred and i'm glad to report that Wolfie is doing fine....
Wait for it....the finale to Violent hay fever....coming up next
Violence like hay Fever
Well...what can i say...bubble-dom is undergoing violent hay fever season. So you read about the Wolfie-Poppet incident. And i thought is was all over...being the end of the year...there can't be anything more violence related to doggies incidents happening to me...
Boy was i wrong. See remember in my earlier post there was this nice neighbour that helped me out with the Poppet incident by driving me to the vet hospital. Well she managed to organize a read it right...a DOG-A-THON. I helped her out a bit with the logistics of it...not a lot but i promised to support her cause - "SAVE A STRAY" but bringing along my doggies to participate in this very public event. It was to be held in Merdeka Square (imagine...MERDEKA SQUARE with Doggies everywhere)
Essentially it was a charity event for the handicap in Malaysia and she was given the opportunity to make public her cause. this was meant to happen a week after the eye popping incident. I even tried to make Poppet an eye patch - we did try one one and he looked so dashing - like errol flynn only better and furrier!
So anyway...on the day of this event, both hubby and myself packed up with tidbits for the doggies, water bowls, water, leads, towels for my drooling wolfie(only in the car - i think he gets a bit car sick) packed all five of us in the car and drove to the designated venue for this unprecedented event.
upon arrival we noticed that there was a big crowd of people between where we were and the registration booths for the doggies wanting to participate in the Dog-a-thon. Sensibly, hubby decided to wait kerb side away from the crowds (did not want any biting incidents to happen as dogs can get very frightened of large crowds and may lash out) whilst i brought my baby Mags with me to do the necessary.
I noticed my neighbour was there with his dog and went over to wave a hello. But i did mentioned to him that since our dogs did not get along that we should keep away from each other during the walk. he agreed. i proceeded to register at the table and left mags (on a lead) but under the table. Suddenly i felt the lead snatched... i looked under the table and My neighbour's dog had Mags in his jaws and was walking away with him as if he was a light snack.
I immediately fought to get my doggy back...and trust was tough. the dog that attacked mine (mine is a shih-tzu) was a mongrel about 6 times the size of my Magster. He refused to yield my dog to me even though i had my fingers in his mouth and was tugging with all my might. All the time i refused to let my Magster go and kept a firm pulling motion on the big dog's jaw. Someone came over to hit the attacking dog on the head and his owner just kept telling his dog to let my dog go ( i can tell you it didn't help) and eventually someone poured water over the whole scrimage. I guess some water must have gotten into the big dog's nose and he loosened his grip enough for me to pull my dog out of his mouth. Throughout all of Magster was literally screaming in pain...whilst the terrified crowd watched on, afraid or unable to approach.
when Magster was free, i noticed his doggie T-shirt was covered in blood. I was terribly upset and left immediately to bring my baby to a vet. I did not dare to remove his t-shirt as i was afraid of what i would find. As i walked away from the scene of the attack and approached hubby - he could see i was upset and i told him about the attack and asked him frantically to bring us to a we took off....
whilst walking to the car i pulled up the courage to take off Magster's T-shirt. I was totally in tears...wondering how bad the injury was going to be...when i found nothing but abrasions. nothing that could have bled as much as his t-shirt told me he would have bled. We went to the car anyway and as we drove home, alll Magster could do was sit quietly in a daze. Unable to believe that he had been attacked and with such viciousness.
We went home, monitored the poor baby and clean him up (he was covered with saliva from the big dog). I think my other doggies know that lil Magster was attacked and i honestly think that doggies have primal urges to finish off unfinished business - so they sort of irritated him by pushing him around. Mags of course was in no mood for rough play with big he went into hiding. now he is recovered (physical wounds) and to this day, he is more cautious and defensive when around the big boys...which is the story of my next post..... stay tuned....
Boy was i wrong. See remember in my earlier post there was this nice neighbour that helped me out with the Poppet incident by driving me to the vet hospital. Well she managed to organize a read it right...a DOG-A-THON. I helped her out a bit with the logistics of it...not a lot but i promised to support her cause - "SAVE A STRAY" but bringing along my doggies to participate in this very public event. It was to be held in Merdeka Square (imagine...MERDEKA SQUARE with Doggies everywhere)
Essentially it was a charity event for the handicap in Malaysia and she was given the opportunity to make public her cause. this was meant to happen a week after the eye popping incident. I even tried to make Poppet an eye patch - we did try one one and he looked so dashing - like errol flynn only better and furrier!
So anyway...on the day of this event, both hubby and myself packed up with tidbits for the doggies, water bowls, water, leads, towels for my drooling wolfie(only in the car - i think he gets a bit car sick) packed all five of us in the car and drove to the designated venue for this unprecedented event.
upon arrival we noticed that there was a big crowd of people between where we were and the registration booths for the doggies wanting to participate in the Dog-a-thon. Sensibly, hubby decided to wait kerb side away from the crowds (did not want any biting incidents to happen as dogs can get very frightened of large crowds and may lash out) whilst i brought my baby Mags with me to do the necessary.
I noticed my neighbour was there with his dog and went over to wave a hello. But i did mentioned to him that since our dogs did not get along that we should keep away from each other during the walk. he agreed. i proceeded to register at the table and left mags (on a lead) but under the table. Suddenly i felt the lead snatched... i looked under the table and My neighbour's dog had Mags in his jaws and was walking away with him as if he was a light snack.
I immediately fought to get my doggy back...and trust was tough. the dog that attacked mine (mine is a shih-tzu) was a mongrel about 6 times the size of my Magster. He refused to yield my dog to me even though i had my fingers in his mouth and was tugging with all my might. All the time i refused to let my Magster go and kept a firm pulling motion on the big dog's jaw. Someone came over to hit the attacking dog on the head and his owner just kept telling his dog to let my dog go ( i can tell you it didn't help) and eventually someone poured water over the whole scrimage. I guess some water must have gotten into the big dog's nose and he loosened his grip enough for me to pull my dog out of his mouth. Throughout all of Magster was literally screaming in pain...whilst the terrified crowd watched on, afraid or unable to approach.
when Magster was free, i noticed his doggie T-shirt was covered in blood. I was terribly upset and left immediately to bring my baby to a vet. I did not dare to remove his t-shirt as i was afraid of what i would find. As i walked away from the scene of the attack and approached hubby - he could see i was upset and i told him about the attack and asked him frantically to bring us to a we took off....
whilst walking to the car i pulled up the courage to take off Magster's T-shirt. I was totally in tears...wondering how bad the injury was going to be...when i found nothing but abrasions. nothing that could have bled as much as his t-shirt told me he would have bled. We went to the car anyway and as we drove home, alll Magster could do was sit quietly in a daze. Unable to believe that he had been attacked and with such viciousness.
We went home, monitored the poor baby and clean him up (he was covered with saliva from the big dog). I think my other doggies know that lil Magster was attacked and i honestly think that doggies have primal urges to finish off unfinished business - so they sort of irritated him by pushing him around. Mags of course was in no mood for rough play with big he went into hiding. now he is recovered (physical wounds) and to this day, he is more cautious and defensive when around the big boys...which is the story of my next post..... stay tuned....
Partially sighted is PC
So we continue the speed fashion. We have decided to split both doggies. One in each corner of the front porch. The King wanted to chain only Wolfie up but i argued that it's not fair that only one gets chained up for this. The thing is, i believe dog fights are like bar brawls...someone had to start it and maybe somebody else has to finish it. All parties in a bar brawl are guilty. My sympathy to the brawler that lost an eye but he should know better than to start a fight that he cannot finish in victory. I don't know what Sun Tzu says about it in his art of war books but in my book that has yet to be published (if ever) entitled the alternative to Sun Tzu - the art of life will state that you gotta pick your fights...more of this in another post. So the decision is both will be punished.
To split the doggies successfully, we have decided to build two doggie houses - one for each of them. Both houses will be in full sight of the other and both doggies will be "linked" to their houses by sturdy chains that allow them space to themselves and reach of one bike tyre each (they like peeing on hubby's motorcycle). Poppet will have the front tyre and Wolfie the back.
I have designed the doggie houses and have asked a carpenter to quote me. In the interim, Wolfie remains chained whilst partially sighted Poppet gets to roam during the day. Eventually, we will build a stairway down to the garden, have the garden fence mended and the area landscaped and one of the doggies will be placed there with access to bark at passing traffic and weird strangers that come round.
At night, Poppet gets to sleep in peace by himself on the front porch and Wolfie sleeps with us in the bedroom. He is my furry alarm clock. Always whining away at 0700 hours... I'm never late for work these days....
Partially sighted is now the "in-term" used by hubby to describe my one eyed pooch. He's not terribly traumatised and seems happy with the current sleeping arrangement. I have never seen my one eyed poppet...opps...partially sighted baby so happy in the mornings. He gets a bit nervous when we leave for work...but that's all i can do for him right now...He just has to be a big boy about it...
If you didn't want to hang around a pissed off half breed siberian husky then you should not have picked the fight...Live and Poppet's case - NEVER! I pray that my Poppet learns to be more PC around Wolfie just like i'm learning to use the phrase "Partially sighted"
To split the doggies successfully, we have decided to build two doggie houses - one for each of them. Both houses will be in full sight of the other and both doggies will be "linked" to their houses by sturdy chains that allow them space to themselves and reach of one bike tyre each (they like peeing on hubby's motorcycle). Poppet will have the front tyre and Wolfie the back.
I have designed the doggie houses and have asked a carpenter to quote me. In the interim, Wolfie remains chained whilst partially sighted Poppet gets to roam during the day. Eventually, we will build a stairway down to the garden, have the garden fence mended and the area landscaped and one of the doggies will be placed there with access to bark at passing traffic and weird strangers that come round.
At night, Poppet gets to sleep in peace by himself on the front porch and Wolfie sleeps with us in the bedroom. He is my furry alarm clock. Always whining away at 0700 hours... I'm never late for work these days....
Partially sighted is now the "in-term" used by hubby to describe my one eyed pooch. He's not terribly traumatised and seems happy with the current sleeping arrangement. I have never seen my one eyed poppet...opps...partially sighted baby so happy in the mornings. He gets a bit nervous when we leave for work...but that's all i can do for him right now...He just has to be a big boy about it...
If you didn't want to hang around a pissed off half breed siberian husky then you should not have picked the fight...Live and Poppet's case - NEVER! I pray that my Poppet learns to be more PC around Wolfie just like i'm learning to use the phrase "Partially sighted"
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