I thought about how I would blog after abandoning my blogspot for almost 2 years. There are alot of days during these two years that I have thought about blogging - mostly about things that are a real source of constant angst, anger, frustration...Anyway.....
I will start my blog with my dream that I had last night...quite reflective of the state of my life...The funny thing about my dreams is that I always dream of the same places...
For example my home in la-la land (when I'm there for a couple of hours each night) is very similar to my home in reality. It is on a hill. It is a massive home (about 3 storeys) It has a simple but strange architecture with stairs going in every which way. But I like my la la land home. It has an open concept on the ground floor opening up to the green hillside where I like to go - especailly on rainy days where you can smell the sweet wet grass - I kid you not...you should come by sometime. I have been around to discover the lands around my la la land home and we are surrounded by rolling hills where I can walk for miles and miles. Usually there is some kind of silly intrigue going on in my la la land home, sometimes the intrigues see me wandering the rolling green hills.
Last night the intrigues brought me something totally different. In my la la state last night I dreamt that my mom and dad were visiting me in my la la home and there was a party or get together happening. It was all going well when suddenly there was an explosion at the base of the hill that my home was located. It was a massive boom and the mushroom cloud was so massive that it blacked out the sky. There was a lot of heat and lava (I think) and I remember that I was not feeling any panic.
I calmly turned to my parents and asked them if they could take one of my dogs on their way out to escape whatever was happening. They agreed but somewhere in the confusion or as it usually is in dreams when time just disappears - they left without me or my doggies.
Again no panic - I turned when up the stairs to look for my doggies...On the landing I found magzter but he was in some kind of state of paralysis. My heart broke to think that my baby magzter may have passed on. I picked him up and held him close to me stroking him and then he whimpered. I was so happy that he was alive and thought that maybe he was stunned or something must have happened to make him temporarily paralyzed. The more I massaged him the better he became.
I carried him and proceeded further up the stairs. I came to a room that was totally devasted - barren and burnt and almost gave up hope but called out to Wolfie and out of no where - he came bounding in his usual energetic self towards me. His lead appeared out of no where and I put it on him and all three of us walked downstairs away from the devastation.
We made it to the basement and i thought that Poppet was a lost cause. The basement was a similar state to the top floors...total devastation, deserted, barren, hot...and in the middle of the room was a river of lava. Out of the corner of my eye I was a movement across the river of lava and saw that it was poppet running about on the other side. I shouted to him and he saw us and started to look for a way to cross the lava flow.
Somehow he did and the funny thing was I could only think...I don't have his lead!!! How am I going to walk all three of them (especially since Wolfie and Poppet don't get along!!!) Dreams being dreams - they didn't fight and all four of us left our la la land home.
As we moved we came across this building with an open space courtyard in the middle of it. When the four of us got there - we saw other people that had been made homeless by this event. All of them were accompanied by their pets. There was an exchange in the courtyard but I cannot recall what happened but we decided to leave. As we walked away from the building i remember turning around to look again and there was a boy with his dog in the doorway. All four of us walked on and came to a township. We were outside a shopping mall and there was a lady trying to sell me something...All I can remember thinking was why wasn't the lady upset or affected by the event? It seemed in that town that nothing has happened. Life went on as usual.
Then I woke up. With a jolt I might add. What a funny dream huh? You interpret it and let me know what you think. :)
Your Queen